[ESO] Who needs a title

Day 2,887, 13:24 Published in United Kingdom Spain by MrCherry

Esteemed members of ESO. Thank you for popping my PP Cherry! (hehe)
Commiserations to Aleks, you put up a good fight and I wish you all the luck for next time.

Party Positions:

vPP - Frixios of the Clyde
SecGen - CheetahCurtis
Councillor - Aleksandar V. Popovic
Spokesman - ESO Yak

My plans as PP

Reach the top 5
Reform the media squad
Help for new players
Competitions inside and outside of ESO

The Top 5?
I am certain we can make it into the top 5 during my term.
Voodoomikes recruitment award scheme is still active so get recruiting for those handsome awards!

To those who are sitting on the wall thinking of joining, do it! I promise Every Single One of you will have a good time.

The Media Squad

I feel we've been slacking. Lets change that right now. I will be inviting those I feel are interested into a mass PM, If you want to be included then please PM me as soon as possible.

Help for new players

Today I introduced someone to the game. After finishing the "tutorial" and having a look around the first words they said were "Well what the hell do I do now?" It's not the first time someone has said that to me.
Information and education of how eRepublik and our eWorld actually work is the first step into keeping those who join.

I will be working with The Media Squad for this. More information to follow in the very near future.

That's it?

For now. I ran out of coffee.
Lots of things will be going on so keep an eye open, two, when you can spare them.