[eCyprus] About AirStrike report

Day 2,894, 07:31 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by Mst Splinter

Hello panpas

Cypriot AirStrike in Balkans
Last days we launched an AS to Montenegro when a Balkan war came up. Our basic goals were two:

The one was to keep Montenegro wiped and the second one was to get involved in this big war if our allies (Turkey, Croatia, Thailand, Georgia, Albania) needed our help.

We succeeded to drain whole Asteria in our battles and hope we had fun

The whole operation needed fast moves so there was indeed a lack of communication which we will try to eliminate in future plans.

What we do now?
For now, we re-stock supplies and power. We have not big threats around us but we keep helping whenever neeeded.

I am going to open a new mass message of Cypriot community to dicsuss and debate about issues.

So if someone wasn't included till now, or wants to participate actively to our community, to let me know and send me a friend request. I will try to add as more people I can.

Sooner or later, we will drop Saudi Arabia's Deterimination in our two regions while we will keep helping our allies through the MPP battles.