[DW4CP]Alt for Norge - Work Program #NGPHaveFun

Day 3,573, 10:05 Published in Norway Norway by Eraclev

Ladies and gentlemen of the eWorld especially Norwegian citizen. As many of you might be aware already, I have put my name down for the September CP elections. After my declaration of my candidacy for president next month.

But before I can ask for your vote, I need to let you know my plans and my Program. I have already mentioned some ideas of mine in my last article. So now, please let me address some of the key government points as my promise to give you the detail of Alt for Norge program #NGPHaveFun

General Program and budgeting
Every money that i spend for the budget of my program will be from my private money and sponsors. #NGPHavefun #Eraclev4CP

But of course according to the eNorwegian law, before i do this i will ask the congress first by opening the discussion on the forum.

Detail of the Program and Budgeting :

Foreign Affairs

- Develop our relationships
It's the first step to have more chance to win the battles and become free. Without true friends and allies, we can't hope to win the battles. So we have to develop our relationships with some countries which have the same goals like us and we can trust thats why I will be looking at continuing to build new friendships, strengthening existing friendships.

- More MPP
I would like to continuing the MPP that our current president Joshua Morriseau made with Albania and find for other possible MPPs like India, Macedonia, Indonesia or Cuba. Under my presidency we will have 3 MPP. I believe we can build a ground for future cooperation with these countries.

These two goals are long-term goals for Norway and I'm sure we need it.

Military and Defense

- Training War and Military Action plan
I know last month under Joshua Morriseau we have some external problem a threat from UK NE and a miss communication with Finland. I realise all of this happened because we are a small country, we dont really have power againts a million demages from big country. However i will try to ensure that our military needs and desires are met, I wish we will not be plunging the country into needless wars. But instead I will be continuing Training war with the Finland. These Training war benefit our citizen by providing RH Medals and TP Medals.

- Help our ally
We ready to support our allies in military actions that are good for our nation.

- Weekly Dispatch
To improve our activity on military section i will make a Norwegian Weekly Dispatch. I implement this in Norwegian Green Party this month.
Its very simpel you only need to vote or comment on my post in country feed thread and you will get 50 Q5 Food, 15 Q7 weapon every week, and a free subsidy of house Q1 500 cc.
I recommend for low level to not use it on war but just simply sell again so you will get some money from it. I suggest every members to join this program.

Example :

- Weekly Bonus for Air Force
This month i will introduce Weekly Bonus for Air force. If you have hit in the top 3 national aircraft leaderboard by damage, then you will be rewarded 300 cc The money will be dispatched every Tuesday.

Education and Entertainment

- Give me a Quote
This is a simple contest and it's made so that we all can understand. eNorway is known as one of few Strong, humble and kind country I want to challange Our citizen to join this contest the contest is simple you just need to write on comment about quote that show a strong words.

For example :

Make no mistake the beast inside is sleeping not dead

- Weekend Quis
I'll publish some questions on an article, and people have to comment the answers and there will be prizes for getting answers right.
Thats all is my program and platform the main goals of my candidacy. We have to improve the communication.

On 4 September, I'll post an article outlining my cabinet. Be Passionate! Remember, this is your country. #NGPHaveFun #Eraclev4CP #DW4CP
Party President of Norwegian Green Party