{CPF} Renewal

Day 1,945, 13:04 Published in Canada Canada by Dozzer_x

Salutations and greetings!

First of all, I have to express my most sincere thanks to the members of the Canadian Progressive Front who have vested in me their confidence to lead the party for this present term. It is of great joy to know that I've won the election with over 70%, while 3 months ago I was virtually unknown, and I do realise that this huge score gives me a great responsibility for my actions as President of the Canadian Progressive Front.

I have started the work that I promised to do right from the moment I was officially put into office, but I only write an article now because I waited for the party census to formally end. As a note, while the census officially ended, because of the low turnout - 31,33%, 47 responses - party members who have not done so are still able to respond to it, as I'll keep the form opened for the next whole week.

In the first part of the article I'll draw some conclusion over what I've observed from the behaviour at the census: it has come to my knowledge that over 25% of respondents have not voted in the last party presidential election. I find this highly worrying, and it's a sign that the members, while active inside the CPF, did not vote, most probably because due to their lack of confidence in either of the candidates: this only shows that it's the duty of the party members to be more involved in the CPF by running for party president. There are a lot of good members in our party that would make a very good president, and it's indeed unfortunate that in the last election I was the only candidate with a platform - the CPF should be about competition!

A second remark is in regard to the party presidential election: the CPF, among the top 5 parties of Canada, had the lowest turnout of about 40%. If we take into account the approximately 25% of active members that did not vote, we'd have had a final turnout of about 52% - while more representative, still not a good turnout at all. I'm looking forward to seeing the causes of this, and eventually trying to at least partly resolve them.

The second part of my article will be about commenting the responses at the census

1. "We want a free Canada, we need to liberate our regions"
- I do understand that, and I think everyone agrees with you. We all want Canada liberated from Spain, because otherwise our country would slowly go into a social depression and inactivity. But, as you all know, it's not up to the Canadian Progressive Front to have Canada liberated. We will, of course, give our full support to the Government, that currently plans to get Canada free. But the CPF is not a fairy with magical powers, and neither we are the absolute party of Canada, nevertheless we are the premier party. Ultimately, the liberation of Canada is not up to ourselves, but up to the whole country and the Government.

2. "It'd be interesting to have tutorials for new players"
- Yes, tutorials are indeed very useful, and they already exist. Nevertheless, I've been announced that Funky works on certain new tutorials for players, specifically designated for our younger CPF members.

3. "We need our own CP candidate"
- Indeed we need our own CP candidate, and as I've stated in my electoral platform, it is one of my main goals for this month for us to have CP material. We have a lot of members with great ideas, and this month we have to get them to catch the courage to run for the most important office in our country.

4. "We should support Homer is the party wants to; let's keep a vote of CPF confidence on Homer, and if it passes, let's give him our full support for this month"
- This is ultimately a good idea, and it'd be of great help to the importance of national unity in these dark times for Canada. We must never forget that we are a PROGRESSIVE party, so we have to progress to accomplish ultimately what's best for Canada. This idea will surely be taken into account by me by the time the next article will be published.

5. "Supply food and weapons for battles"
- I must stress on the idea that the party is about politics, and we have the army for supply. But yet, the party can as well help the citizens get their so much needed supplies, and I'll consider a fund for the CPF for supplies to be given to Canadians in times of need.

6. "I don't like the IRC and forums; we should focus on in-game communication"
- ...and this is exactly what we'll do. It's the time to get the Moose Calls up and running again, because in the last months I had the feeling (and I surely wasn't the only one, from what I've seen in the census responses), that the communication through Moose Calls between party members and between members and leadership was virtually inexistent. It is very important to change this. But at the same time, the IRC and the forums are a great method for faster communication, especially the IRC, so we shan't renounce at them.

7. "Everything feels stagnant..."
- Indeed, I had the same feeling in the last few months. But now, it is time we repair this, and try to get this huge train moving again, with or without the necessary fuel.

8. "Waffle"
- Yes, waffle.

These are the most common complaints/suggestions/requests for the party leadership, expressed by more people. So I hope I've covered everything needed to be covered.

The last thing I'll talk about in this article are Moose Calls. As you all know, I haven't made the Moose Calls yet, as I want to wait for the census to end. All of those who have responded in the census will be in two Moose Calls instead of one, as an appreciation for their efforts to involve in the proceedings of our party.. The Moose Calls will be started a.s.a.p.

The CPF is a party that welcomes all who care about a responsible, accountable and positive government to our halls. There are many opportunities available for newer players, so please, consider joining us!

Seven Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front:
1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Ensure Canada is a reliable and selfless ally
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy

President of the Canadian Progressive Front

- Visit our forum!
- CPF Wiki Page
- Our Official IRC Channel is #nCPF