[CP] End of Term Report

Day 1,354, 14:22 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

So another month has passed and my term as president is almost over. I would like to thank everybody who helped me this month my minister and state secretary and everybody. This was a bit of a slow month we started even slower but at the end of the month we did get a lot of stuff done,

We started the month with signing two new MPP's one ONE sides (Macedonia) and one TERRA sides (eUSA). We started a trainingswar with the eUK this month again so that people who still needed it could do their missions. Also since today there are new missions that need a naturel enemy so most likely these TW will keep going on for a while.

This month has his up and it's downs, but overall It was in my opinion a good month.I am proud to have served your president this term and I am hoping to serv this country for many terms to come.

Ministry of Finance - Ward De Bever

The Ministry of Finance didn't do much, which is a good thing. It kept the Belgium Accounting spreadsheet, effected the few payments required by law and handed out some unneeded and unwanted opinions.

The Congress donation tradition is being questione😛 only a little over half of the new Congress Members voluntarily donated their admin gold. We have relatively stable income and expenses, our reserves are slowly increasing. While gold reserves seem satisfactory, BEF reserves are only minimal. This month saw the introduction of a number for 'stabilised BEF reserves' on the spreadsheet. The BEF value shows clear signs of strength.
Admin game rule changes had some effect on workers and entrepreneurs, but for the country accounts, the effect was minimal.

Ministry of Defence - Ernest Bogdansson

With the trainingswars the last week the ministry of Defence together with the president of eBelgium and the president of eUnited Kingdom has mostly been busy coordinating the Trainingswars.
Also citizen fighting orders where posted during the Traningwar to keep citizens from fighting in the wrong wars.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - jamster737

MoFA- well we have had a very busy month with added confusion. However we have worked very well and have the structure layed out for the new ambassador system and we are starting to get on top of the huge backlog of inactive ambassadors. With my State secretary going inactive it has been difficult to organise things and me and mittekemuis have not had many talks but we have both done individual goals and they are both coming along very well. Next month the MoFA will have to finalize the ambassador system and will have to continue there work to find other TW's.

Ministry of Home Affairs - Monsieur Guillotine

The main job I had was checking all citizenship requests. This month we had 24 requests, 19 accepted and 5 rejected before the PTO threat. When 5 Croatians/Serbians asked for citizenship around the same time, it was decided that there was a PTO threat, therefore immigration was closed. We are still making sure that no Croatians and Serbians enter eBelgium, and telling Congressmen to be on the look out. All in all, there have been no dangerous citizens let in as of yet.

Ministery of Justice - Critically

As MoJ, I tried to burn Constitution. We didn't do this because of lack activity of Congress, I did several post about it but only several people were responding on it. (and 1 person wasn't even Belgian!)

Where I succeed was that I reinstate the Supreme Court. The SC has now only the ability to interpret laws when it's needed. They cannot punish people is they do something wrong.

Ministry of Education - Elynea

Messages sent to newcomers. Several newpapers published for informations.
Activity in the Belgian Training Academy. Several post about informations on the forum in french.

Ministry of Fun - shadowukcs

-Tried to get a few forum games set up in the random section. Posted a few vids as well. Not much responds.

-Tried to combine the useful with the necessary by writing a few B4H propaganda articles (which everyone in the right mind can clearly see that they are meant as jokes rather than political gain) to keep the media section from running dry.

-Wanted to do a raffle when I heard Jamster had the same idea so I sponsored his raffle a bit by giving him 200 Q2 food (of my own pocket ofc) in stead of organising a second one on my own.

State Secretary of Wiki - Requiem Domine

As a State Secretary of Wiki, through the past month, I was editing the main page of eBelgium regularly (several times weekly). Also I updated the page for each of eBelgium's regions and the army page. I think here is the place to say "Thank you" to Daniel Parker( he did some good updates on the eWiki as adding the national anthem, he saved me some time), Mikhail Alexander with his admin updates, and to Monsieur Guillontine, who gave me a lot of ideas for improvements. That's all

Fhaemita Malodorous