Why I will not be running with the AMP this month.

Day 1,799, 18:39 Published in USA Canada by Chucky Norris

I've taken an important decision for my personnal career next month. I ran under the AMP for 7 months and have been lucky enought to get in on 6 occassion. Albeit I must admit last month was not really anything to brag about.

You are probably asking yourself, why stop going for something so successfull and a pretty much guaranteed seat?


I'll be joining forces with the only democratic party out there that stands for the interest of america:


RGR convinced me of the rightfullness of his beliefs and the convictions of the AFA international coalition. They truly have our best interest at heart!


Sorry for the prank, I felt it would be funny to lead you on a false trail for a momment.

This month I will not be running with the AMP because I wish to leave my seat vacant. The reasoning is simple, if all the same people would run over and over again, nobody new would ever rise up. Because we know very well that people sure like their little privilege. If some would have their way, they would just rerun the same bunch of oldfags in their top 15 over and over again.

That's why we need to leave some space for the young guns so that they can make their mark. Sure congress is only a shade of it's former self mainly because we don't give them any bone to chew. Most of the business is being handled by closed group that are consulted on ''behalf of the rest''. Despite that, congress is still an important place where we really need some good people with reason in case some nutcase would get the unity candidate spot for CP.

Alright enought with my rants, That's another problem for another day. On the 25th, I'd like to invite you to vote for the American military party. We advocate placing newer people in power and favoring a younger generation of politician to emerge.

Many in my party are doing similar thing. Like Cerb who didn't ran last month as the PP to let one more guy get in. That's dedication people! In every ballot we have, older candidate are taking some time off to make sure that we have enought room for some new blood. And trust me, we will continue to encourage Americans to get involved and be part of the change!

So on the 25th when you will get to the voting booth, think about voting the AMP to propopel more fresh faces into the political arena that is the US congress!

Chucky Norris
Former AMP Congressman and AMP congressional whip