What we are leaving behind…

Day 1,529, 08:51 Published in North Macedonia France by Princess Emily

A lot of things happened lately. Our surrounding is always keen on changes. There are always things that happen, and changes that are made, but their affection on us is different. In one moment we can be sad, in the next we can smile… occasionally, it might depend from the people that are surrounding us, the way they act, feel and affect on us. Can we really find the right reason for our sadness? Do we ever find the one responsible for our mood? A wise man once sai😛 “Yes, but we do not want to face it”. Indeed. We don’t find the real reason, maybe because we are scared of embracing our feelings, maybe because we are afraid to face the truth, the painful situation, maybe… But the running away does not help us get over it, just the opposite, we are feeding the shadows and they start haunting us… and then is too difficult to get back on the right path, on the objective way of seeing the world, of having pictures without emotions…

Why is so difficult to left the things behind us? And why do we always use the tears as a filter of our soul? Many questions, no answers… And right now, they are coming and they are falling down my face. How can I stop them, how to control them? If I can not control the product of my feelings, how can I even think about controlling my feelings? Imagine that you are saying goodbye to a relative which is rarely near you… or you are saying goodbye to your best friend, who studies in another country. Or to your boyfriend/girlfriend that does not live in your town or in your country. In those moments, the pain and the tears are almost always our regular guest. Not because we will miss the person so much until the next meeting, and we certainly will, but because we can never be sure that the next meeting is suppose to happen… we really can not live as a pessimists, it darkens our life, but how can that stains let you live peacefully and happily? Many of you would say that I am over exaggerating, but it is the cruel truth that we do not want to embrace. That every moment is something new, sometimes a bad, sometimes a good experience, but always something new, not yet seen, felt or lived… No matter how pink my world can be, or how much I want it to be, there is a moment when you must face the darkness and sadness. Face it and get over it. Use all the strength, fight and win, at any cost. You might reveal a hidden power that will help you survive… It will give you a chance to continue stronger than ever, prepared to see the real beauty of the flowers in a sunny spring…

Life is such a mysterious form of existence. We can never know what is upon us, and what are we meant for. If we are meant for something at all… We just need to use every day at its maximum, because what the present moment is what we really have as our opportunity to achieve something more, something greater. Learn to act for yourself, and do not listen to the other people, because they do not know your path.

I am not used to the idea of writing my feelings on a paper. It is pointless, but it releases the mind and easies the pain. This is a filter that is good enough for the persons that are used to it… and because I am not part of them, as my dear friend, I will just go to bed now and use my previous one…

Thank you for making rainbows in my cloudy sky… but they can appear only after the rain…