Weekly Update

Day 682, 13:39 Published in Ireland Canada by JohnSmith 2K9

As part of my Dail running, i said i would keep a weekly round up, here is the first one.

So we have been pretty busy over the last week in the Dail, public and private. (But i won’t talk about the private ones since i can’t)
We had the debate over the min wage decrease, which i fully support, and i have voted yes.

We also had a debate over an Alliance for the Naturals. I fully support this since it will help the people of Ireland.

We also had the debate over the Rhaleigh Treaty. i don’t support this and i have voted no on this, since the UK are PEACE puppets and can’t be trusted after what the done, and i don’t want to make Ireland protect them if which will happen a invasion by Eden, either by USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden.

We also had the debate starting over people from other countries getting profits and the income TAX should be put up, i don’t think the Important TAX should be put up at all, but i think the Import TAX should be.

In the in-game votes
I have voted yes in all votes on donating money to the Irish bank; the reason for this is that we can change the other monies into Gold.

The min wage vote. I voted No, since it will put the min wage up, which i don’t think should happen since the price of food is already pretty high.

I will do another one next week. I do these since i think the public should know what their TDs are doing. Also if any people from the Northwest (the region i got elected) need anything talk to me, since i am one of your TDs.
