Weekly Leaderboard should have prizes

Day 2,159, 01:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

At this moment it doesnt seem it has prizes attached to it. It seems we are returning to gross damage rather than damage per head in the previous 2 competitions.

It seems the aim is to create a bigger pull towards Food and other resources. Without substantial prizes my gut feel is that this won't happen to the same extent as the other competitions.

I remember with pokerstars we were classed in different groups one would then get points for the first 3 places in a sit and go your 20 best tournaments counting. Perhaps Plato should consider this as well.

Also the top 50 got a share of the winnings and a entry into a weekly tournament. Pokerstars have of course 200000 + players during the whole of the day. Because they have algorithms to ensure that 200000 + players think their fairly good at poker.

My best was 80 or so. But there needs to be motivation other than the prestige involved in it.

My 50 million cents (krakken ideas are golden sweetie's brown)

Oh yeah and we are apparently engaged in some Real War/Training war with Uk that is as boring as ......(best answer gets 1 gold)