Day 399, 14:45 Published in India Italy by Ipnotik

Read this article:


Democratic League has grown from 22 members a day ago to 30 members and growing.

Me and my party have always said that Spanish were trying to colonize this country and steal the money. "India first" has always collaborated with spaniards and now they have seen what the consequence is.

I ask SRACHIT to give NOT the password of the bank to spaniards.

I ask the congress to approve a law for the Monopoly of the statal money to the Indian government bank (statal money for other ORGs only with the approvation of the bank and of the congress)

I ask every indian or whoever care of this country to vote this article.

I ask help to any other country: come here and vote against DL.

I ask help to indians who love freedom: vote for FREE INDIA.

If spaniards take more than 50% of the congress, i will leave this country. I don't want to be their slave.