We are looking forward to Work With you.

Day 722, 10:26 Published in Italy Canada by Chucky Norris

Altought it's far too early to talk seriously about anything.

I think it's important that I state that the nation that I represent, Canada, is more than willing to work with Noria's administration. I feel that this change will be healthy for many nation around the globe as you took a stance for the future of Italy. As alliance are shifting we can definetly see that the world is in a perpetual state of change, but this might be for the better.

As the Slovakian example has shown us, Peace no longuer represent the Bastion of Liberty that it was founded upon. I saw many soldier's from Italia moving there, And I wish to send my thanks to all those that fought for the good fight.

I have to applaud your effort as you are one of the first nation to break free from the control of Peace. Maybe others will follow your example. Maybe Italy will become a shining beacon for those that find that Peace doesnt answer their needs anymore. But more importantly Country that we're once friend with you shouldnt see this as treason, but more as a series of event that finnally ended with your separation from Peace.

Also I have to comment you on signing the MPP with malaysia, ours is also on the way, if it ever comes down to this, I look forward to meet other freedom fighter's from Italy.

I hope we will be able to be friend soon.

Chucky Norris
Director of the Foreign Relation Department of Canada