Vote Shotan for CP : the reasons

Day 3,238, 01:49 Published in Belgium Poland by Shotan

Ladies and gentlemen, members of DSP, I accept your appointment as candidate for the CP elections.

But why ? Why do I decide to run for the highest role of the state ? Not for the power, not for the achievement, not to rise my personnal glory. NO ! It's for all of you, for all citizens, for all people who want to work hard for our country.

All of you see what happened under Aries Sun : government who decided to do what they want without respecting the Congress, MoD who decided to declare war against Sweden alone to see our country invaded by the Swedish army, and when we wanted to end the TW with Albania, they decided to attack Armenia !

We have to see the truth : Belgium is not a military country, our army has to defend our territories and our diplomats to negociate their return. This is my first engagement : no useless wars, only TW with countries in which we really trust.

My second engagement is the return of the collegiality : all decisions must respect the Constitution and the Laws, including the procedures and the decision from CM's. The cabinet will include ministers in which I trust and have the competences to lead the country. No personnal will, only country will.

Same thing for economy : no proposition without numbers and proofs, only reflexion by an economist who knows how the economy works.

To people who says I have no chance, they are wrong because I'll have no chance if I don't run for CP. Democracy needs candidates for elections, one candidate is not enough and a victory without competition is not a true victory.

If you don't want to live the Aries Sun's mess again under Monster Grinder, you have the choice to say NO.

Glory for Belgium !