Vote Boru!

Day 1,872, 22:32 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

This shall be my last article before the election's end.

I ask you, the citizens of Ireland, to vote for me.

Vote for experience.
A government that uses the best of the Irish to get the best for Ireland.

Vote for strength.
A government that is resolute in its defence of Ireland and her allies.

Vote for unity.
A government that brings the Irish together, instead tearing them apart.

Vote Brian Boru!

The composition of the Irish Government shall be as follows:

The Vice-President of Irelan😛

A man of excellent linguistic skill, and a man without scruples for cooperation.

The Minister for Finance:

A man of astute administrative skill, and someone I trust inherently. I've worked with him in the Department of Finance before, and he's trusted across party lines to manage Ireland's finance with competence and prudence.

The Minister for Defence:

One of the founders of the Irish Army, a competent military leader and another player with cross-party support to call on.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs:
Nataliia From Galicia.

A diplomat of some skill and a friend to new and old players alike. She will support my own diplomatic efforts nicely, and will compliment my own extensive diplomatic experience.

The Minister for Immigration:

A man of passion for his work, and a man who misses very little.

The Minister for the Babyboom:
Ian E Coleman.

A longstanding eIrish citizen with ties to many, and someone dedicated to his work.

The Ministers for Entertainment and Community.
Arm103 & Damhnainc

Both very entertaining individuals!

The Senate:
The Senate shall meet four times in the coming term, with extraordinary meetings during emergencies. Senators will be able to ask questions of the government at these meetings, and the government will be able to make statements and produce decisions for the consideration of the Senators.

The First Wave of Senate Appointments:

The Committee on Defence:

Marcus Suridius: Committee Leader and Senate Advisor on Diplomacy & Military Operations
The_Psych0: Senate Advisor on Military Operations
Carolus_XII_Rex: Senate Advisor on Diplomacy and Ambassador-At-Large
Winston Hope Smith: Senate Advisor on Public-Private MU Cooperation
Moomoohea😛 Senate Representative of Libertad

The Committee shall help plan the military operations of the State, either as an entirety or as a group of specific advisors. Its members shall also be able to question the Government on military policy.

All current Party Presidents: Senate Advisors on Political Cooperation

Marinko Margarin, Stilpo, Raven Anarcho, Liam Tatlock, Lord Scego, Asecondchance, Abelmcfinn, Binksy, Nithraldur, BrianVesty, Bristel Akina, Bhane, TheDeathOfRats.

May they serve Ireland wisely.

Brian Boru.