von Phalz for Congress!

Day 667, 17:31 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz

I would like to officially announce my candidacy for the seat of United States senator representing Arizona on behalf of America’s Advancement Party. I humbly ask for your support in the upcoming congressional election and invite you to listen to my introduction and platform.

My name is Rheinlander von Phalz, and I would like to serve you and the country in Congress. I will be an active, intelligent, and dedicated advocate for you and America.

Winning the War

Priority one, as most of America agrees, is defending our homeland from Russian and Colombian attack. I want my constituents to know that I am committed to the preservation of our union and am willing to sacrifice for it.

Infrastructure Plans

Population movement to Florida during the current war makes sense strategically, as does the present stagnation in developing new infrastructure. The leadership of a post-war America will have the unprecedented opportunity to strategically rebuild our country. This process will be long and full of debate, but I pledge to work level-headedly and promptly to secure a post-war America defensively and economically. If my strategic expertise is called upon to help direct population distribution in a post-war America, I will weigh our resources, international borders, and global security threats.

Smart deployment of fixed defensive systems will discourage future invasions.

Click here to find out more about this platform.

Sane Foreign Policy

While the current government has been successful in many ways, our foreign policy has not made such great strides. The United States has the potential to defend the oppressed nations of the world, but we can not overexert our forces. We can retain our commitment to the principles of freedom and democracy without getting drawn into open war on every continent. This is not a call for isolationism – that is the other extreme and equally unsound. Our foreign policy does not need reversal, but monitoring it has to be a priority of the new Congress.

There are many states which are only borderline members of the PEACE GC – states not as dedicated to their evil, imperialistic cause. They are held in the hoard by fear of repercussion. We need to reach out of these oppressed lands to show them the benefits of freedom, individual liberty, and self-determination. PEACE puppets should become American friends.

Click here to find out more about this platform.

Multipartisan Cooperation

Multiple opinions on how to go about reconstruction are bound to arise after the war. If the war has taught us anything, it is that party bickering can be counterproductive to our common good. I strongly support working with other political parties and ideas on strengthening our country. Even if Congress is mostly AAP, I want to advance America all of the way instead of just most of the way.

Economic Growth

von Phalz will put America back to work.

I believe that a strong economy is crucial to our common defense and continued self-determination. In particular, we need to produce more raw materials, especially iron, domestically and adjust our tax rates to reflect the kind of economic development we hope to achieve. In keeping with my platform on sane foreign policy, this does not mean economic isolation; Greek iron will still be welcome!

Government Programs

I would maintain our wellness initiatives which help our youngest citizens. However, the military is a higher priority, as its efforts benefit all citizens, and will continue to be treated as such for the duration of the war.

von Phalz will keep the military strong.

Your Voice

Most importantly, I want to serve you. This means I am open to suggestions sent over eRep mail or IRC. Let it be known that I will sit down with voters and constituents, and I support government transparency and involvement. A vote for von Phalz is a vote for someone who will execute his duties enthusiastically and tactfully advance the common good.

Thank you for your support.

Rheinlander von Phalz
Candidate for the United States Congress
Arizona – America’s Advancement Party

This candidate is endorsed by former President of the United States Harrison Richardson for his platform on infrastructure.

This candidate is endorsed by the Democratic Party, which is recognized as the “game mechanics” party.

Aren Perry, three-time Congress member from Illinois, former Congressman from Connecticut, and former president of the America’s Advancement Party, officially endorses this candidate.

Kazael, three-time Arizona Congressman and present United Independents Party Secretary of Elections, said von Phalz would be "a great asset to congress..."