Day 917, 05:23 Published in Greece Greece by markos28

Useful link for the companies and for the players to find a good job

Currency Exhange Market or Salaries aroud the eWorld

Here you can see the Productivity Calculator..its a tool very useful for the companies

Productivity Calculator

eRepublik Stock eXchange a link that soon is going to be very famous..i am not going to say support only the Greek companies..that is not possible of course,as there are a lots of of great companies you can invest in..

.eRepublik Stock eXchange

eRepublik tools/International is a site that you can find everything... (price of all products,taxes,tresury,stats from battles etc)

eRepublik tools/International

OR,you can use this link too..similar to the eRepublik tools/International


Every donation is welcome too.Click here to donate anything you like to my citizent account 🙂