UPDATE 1: Ad Campaign for Volunteers and Donations

Day 759, 11:39 Published in USA USA by Environmental Protection

This weekend, you will see an ad campaign asking for volunteers and donations to help with The Salvation Army Project. The ad will run from Friday until Sunday and is paid for by the generosity of the American Independent Party, who donated 20 gold for the ad campaign.

This is the last call for volunteers and donations. Starting Monday, we will begin mass-mailing the Wasteland regions. I had been waiting on a new API program that would pull the names of all ACTIVE eAmericans, but that plan may not come to fruition, so instead, we may have to mass-mail everyone the hard way. Either way... with or without a list - The Salvation Army Project will begin mass mailing on MONDAY.

Which is we I still need volunteers. Please sign-up to help out here and/or send donations to the org.

Thank you for your service!

Jude Connors
eUSA Secretary of the Interior