United Kingdom Invades Norway, Russia Stalled

Day 679, 17:20 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
29 September 2009, Day 679 of the New World. The North Sea is alive with conflict after Russia, pushed out of North America entirely, needed to find someone else to push around. Their sights have been set on Norway, seeking revenge on the much smaller country for their roll in blocking the Russian military operations and freeing North America from Russia.

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As anticipated, the United Kingdom is now involved in the war on Norway, billed by PEACE GC as a liberation known as “Operation Valhalla.” The Russian invasion began by conquering Nord-Norge, a core Norweigian region which borders Northern Russia. The next day, they continued their attack by conquering Svalbard and Jan-Mayen, Norwegian arctic islands, and Trondelag. Norway is presently reduced to the Ostlandet, Sorlandet, and oil-rich Vestlandet regions.

The United Kingdom’s involvement has begun with simultaneous attacks on Vestlandet, Norway, and Nordjylland, a region of Sweden originally belonging to Denmark. The British landing on a Swedish-controlled region does not activate Sweden’s mutual protection pacts because it is not a core Swedish region. Vestlandet is a core territory of Norway, so Norway’s allies – Spain, Sweden, the United States, and Greece – are together soundly repelling that aspect of the invasion. Additionally, the British citizen Necrosis has begun a resistance war in Nordjylland. If successful, the region will become a third region of Denmark. Necrosis is serving a minor time for insults as evidenced here.

The United Kingdom is able to attack Sweden from the British stronghold in Denmark, Midtjylland. That region is likewise eligible for a resistance war.

A resistance war was started in Nord-Norge fourteen hours ago and has a chance of returning the region to Norway. Russia’s invasion of Norway, which has conquered three regions already, is assisted by activated MPP’s with Indonesia, Italy, Brazil, Iran, Hungary, France, Portugal, Serbia, and Mexico. Norway only had MPP’s with the United States, Spain, Sweden, and Greece – sufficient to turn back the United Kingdom alone but not the larger PEACE GC hoard sweeping from the north. Russia progression into Norway is halted, however, by a Swedish attack on Trondelag. The battle involves no military treaties, as Trondelag is an original Norwegian region. Sweden stands a strong chance of winning this attack, started twelve hour ago, which would intercept the Russia-PEACE invasion of Norway.

The United States and the United Kingdom do have an active war open with neither side having any active MPP’s. While an invasion of the UK certainly sounds tempting for the United States, the activated MPP’s would be formidable – Germany, Indonesia, France, Brazil, Portugal, Serbia, Hungary, and Mexico.

An invasion of Swedish core regions by either Russia or the United Kingdom would provoke their mighty array of MPP's - Norway, Canada, the United States, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Spain, Greece, and Ukraine.