Ukraine: Nervousness On The Steepe Part Two

Day 175, 18:05 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Read part one [a url=]Here[/a]

Kiev, Ukraine- With the fall of Switzerland the Mediterranean Alliance chalked up a victory against their most well organized neighbor who could of developed into a formidable threat later. Now another European nation is in jeopardy of this North vs. South conflict. The president of Romania has moved for a declaration of war against the Ukraine.

For almost three weeks now Ukraine had been the weakest nation in the world. An annexation to Romania appeared imminent and “requests” have even been sent to the president of Ukraine. Now with the end of the Swiss war another war is about to break out although this one will not be as bloody. Ukraine is still loosely organized, unlike Switzerland they will have a harder time calling for Scandinavian and American aid as they are not a member of any major alliance bloc nor is Romania.

Congress has currently locked up the approval of war receiving well over the majority necessary to approve the proposal so a war is guaranteed. Being in a time of stability for most nations Ukraine will be able to draw some support from foreign soldiers looking for experience and that are against imperialism but it will not be near enough to stop the Romanian advance. Ukraine would be geographical challenged. They do have a rather large size for pushover countries with thirteen regions but it would only take the Romanians three days to complete the sweep unless the Ukrainians make a defensive stand somewhere like the Swiss in Bellinzona.

Ukraine does not stand a chance on their own. Romania just dwarfs their strength with 10,526 to Ukraine's 431 (this is after almost a day to rack up foreign support. Of course we see the real trigger for invasion surface again as for the third time this week a war has been triggered by a weaker nation seeking protection from a larger nation, In this case it was Spain. Romania did not want to enter war this early but with the pact signed they had a deadline for capturing Ukraine. Having to fight the Spanish as well as the Mediterranean alliance would of been hell for them.

The conquest of Ukraine may signal a greater rise in tensions in Europe as it will create a border between Romania and Norway. Although this is not as dramatic as a Mediterranean alliance country bordering a Scandinavian Alliance country it will raise tensions. Currently Romania and the United Kingdom are the only powers in Europe who have not picked sides in this cold war like conflict although the both tend to lead towards one side (United Kingdom with Scandinavian Alliance and Romania with the Mediterranean Alliance). This may be the end of the mini conflicts as the last of the weak nations gets gobbled up but the peace that resumes is only the calm before the storm. The storm being either a massive full scale world war or the FFF module being introduced. Either way their wont be rest in Europe as an Iron Curtain is about to descend over Europe.