Top 3 things you would change about eRep

Day 2,058, 04:38 Published in Australia Ireland by asecondchance

Please post in the comments your own top 3 items you would change about eRep...

My top 3:

1. Focus on the game, not the money: Granted, this is not a specific enhancement or module, but an attitude change for the admins. If they focused on making the gaming experience more enjoyable, the money would follow. Instead they focus on up-selling and cross-selling and getting more money instead of listening to the players.

2. Economy: We all know this module sucks. They have tried to add in somethings lately to get people spending more in an attempt to spark the economy, but that hasn't really solved the issue. Bring back the buy bots...

3. Change something: I have only been on for less than a year and what I found is that the game is stagnant. There is not enough change in the game to keep interest for a sustained period of time. More missions are needed, more events, etc something to keep it interesting... I keep flirting with 2 click mode and not sure if I will be able to avoid going back into it...

Thoughts? 10th person that comments gets 1 q7 weapon!