tomorrow CP > day after that DP :P

Day 3,545, 16:51 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by 3.14 Goat

well, it seems we are at this date again - it's not that i don't care about CP elections - i just wish that we had congress 🙁 and than our small but close community here in cyprus could enjoy the game some more.
i can't promise you that this month will be any different from the couple we had just now, loland and her CP are still here in our lands.

about loland CP, i trolled him once and he didn't take it well (called me scammer and so on) but i also talked to him once in a PM about the right line that we should all have about games, and trolling at all.

i know there is lot's of bad blood and dark history between some of cyprus players and loland's - but even loland CP is a person in real life and i hope that every one remembers that we are all just playing a game here.
all & all i addressed him in a clear and honorable way and he reply the same way, so maybe we are enemies but at least i know there is a person to talk with and that for me is good news since all i hard so far was history stories from both sides.

we all work, make love and live our life, being cp of a big country like loland & yes even a small one like cyprus, (we few,proud,stornk)that takes time from your life, your wife, your kids and even my dog!

we are just trying to be there for our fellow players, give them a home and a family under our flag & country.

honor your CP, honor your enemy CP, honor your self!

well now that we are done with my own personal issues 🙂 lets move to the election part:

tomorrow election, if you vote for me you get 31 goats!
gov will not change, also shadow gov will not change, also we have anarchy on cyprus cause everyone is busy watching porn, also who cares 🙂

now my take on episode 4 that leaked to the net - wow that was great when does episode 5 leaks?


sergeant spring, CP of few, proud, stornk, great ppl of cyprus o/