The Vice President Announcement and How to Get Involved

Day 1,110, 16:47 Published in Israel USA by Rheinlander von Phalz

Greetings again, Israel. Rest assured that I have been busy these last few days recruiting talent for a new government. We are looking to have a good mix of experienced and new citizens. My government will be fully representative of our population and made inroads into achieving unity.

The first matter of business is my Vice President nomination. Members from both communities have been calling for a CP-VP team composed of one member from each community. I agree. A few members of the Hebrew-speaking community in particular have caught my attention with their leadership potential. Therefore, I am announcing that my Vice President candidate will be yuvy15 of Israel First.

Unfortunately the rest of the proposed Cabinet is not finalized. I am still looking to hear recommendations and applicants. Expect the cast of eIsrael to grow before final cut!

The second thesis of this article is how citizens can make the most of the New World. Of course there are many ways to get involved - writing a newspaper, managing a company, and leading a political party - but I will only discuss one branch of the government. There are many ways you can contribute your talents to public service. We need people to make this country run, and a career serving the State can bring new meaning to your eLife.

This ministry needs a lot of work. Consequently, we will be looking for several workers to distribute the tasks between. yuvy15 will take the lead in this ministry.

One of its primary jobs will be education. This includes new and current citizens. New citizens will be taught the importance of high wellness, how battles work, and the history of the game and Israel. Current citizens will be taught about the community such as how to use Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Importantly these guides need to be in Hebrew and English. We have many openings in this ministry!

The eRepublik Wiki is another responsibility for this department. The world moves quickly, and it is not long before current events are old news. This is why my administration will see fit to take over the responsibilities of keeping the Israel-related pages updated, and prolific editor Emorfion will be leading that effort.

For those of you looking to expand your horizons, Foreign Affairs has a need for you. If elected, I will reestablish our ambassadorial relations. Perfect.Knight will remain at his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs because of his international connections built over a long time in this ministry. K0munista will be the head of ambassadorial affairs to provide direction to our ambassadors.

Ambassadors gather information about the country or countries they are assigned to. This may include registering on their national forums and visiting their IRC channels. They also provide information about Israel to other countries. It is a great job for someone who wants to make friends in strange and exotic lands. Knowing another language can make you a more attractive applicant, especially Serbo-Croatian, English, Turkish, Greek, Persian, or Spanish. We have Polish and Romanian ambassadors already lined up.

Clarification: Just because Israel has an ambassador to one country does not make our countries friends. Ambassadors gather news and maintain communications. It is important that we station an ambassador in Turkey, but that does not make us allies!

Defense is a good choice for someone who wants to meet strange and exotic people and shoot bullets at them. It is also unique in that it is not mutually exclusive with another job. If you are a Knesset member, you should be a soldier. If you are an ambassador, you should be a soldier. If you are a new citizen educator, you should be a soldier. If you have no job in Israel whatsoever, you should be a soldier! Citizens with extra dedication to the defense of their country may rise to become officers. Consistent activity is important. Look for more information about the Ministry of Defense in the future.

Unlike the other ministries, that are not many positions to fill in Finance. The caretaker of Israel’s Finance Department has to be a very trustworthy individual, as evidenced by this guy. The man holding onto Israel’s gold has to have a long track record of honorable service to the State. For that reason, I will propose Sam Krakower for this position should I be elected. (I still need to consult him, though!)

Other positions are open for very economically-minded citizens. These people will track Israel’s income, expenses, and propose methods to stabilize the Shekel and bring the price of grain down. One of these individuals will be VoLuMe9192.

The food is too damn expensive

I’m looking to give the people a stake in their government. I want to include both communities and make a real effort towards integration. Want a position? Send me a message! If you are willing to put forward time and effort in service to Israel, we can use you! A more complete Cabinet listing will be published should you elect me.

Please vote for me, Rheinlander von Phalz, tomorrow. I have the qualifications the country needs and offer actual compromises to build a stable country. It’s about time we see some real progress in Israel, and Paladins make good leaders.