The state of eCanada, Global read #1

Day 2,645, 06:32 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

As I am friended with nearly all CP's in the eWord and nearly 800 more players and growing each day. I ask that you friend me as well if you stumble across this so that you can read more as they come out. I am going to start a new brutally honest news article stating eCanada, where we are and what we are doing. This will all be open knowledge that can be seen from anyone that is a player and will not share any secret information that cannot be obtained by anyone taking 10 minutes to look around.

On our CP

IBB is an active leader that is trying to keep focused on the country abroad and very little on the inner country politics. This is not a bad thing at this time as we are recovering from a wipe and we need to get our footing.

Current rating = 7/10

On the state of the country

The country is in chaos and our foundation is shaky. We have active PTO's in the top 3 and it seems the domestic wars are in high gear.

Example 1 is the MDP aggressive PTO on the CPF.

The MDP decided that the top party needed to be destroyed and posted this article.

Link here

As you can see they were successful in their attempts as they moved and/or bought the votes needed to win the elections.

Please keep in mind the leader and supporter of this blow on eCanada is a member of the MOFA team and is our Minister of education tasked with teaching new players on how to play the game by example.

Xander Kross

If this individual will backstab our own country in this manner than how can you expect him not to do the same to other countries? Ones he has even less invested interest in. Even worst. This is our template player we ask all others to be like. Our very own MOE and face of eCanadas youth.

My recommendation

We are a country current completely divided and barely holding on. We cannot be trusted and to put any stock in us would be foolish until we are able to fix ourselves. I will not have us embarrass ourselves further and ask that you avoid any serious relationship with our country until we can get out crap together.

I refuse to sugar coat things and more of these articles will come out. I am sending this to every CP and MOFA in the eWorld.

If you are offended by this article and are eCandadian then get up off your ass and do something to change the state of things. Until then the world will see us for what we really are and if they have any brains at all they will either avoid us, destroy us or PTO us to as the MDP put it.. We are in desperate need of a dictatorship leadership. Perhaps another country can come in and show us how to run our own country.

This message is sent by myself representing those players in the country that do not want to see things continue down the destructive path we have been on for the last 2 years. I do not speak for the CP or his staff even if some of them agree with me.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article.