The Q10 with Rod Damon (Super Spy)

Day 1,105, 13:26 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X
The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – “007” Edition
with CIA boss Rod Damon.

Q1: You are head of the shadowy, but awesome, organization referred to as the CIA. Can you explain what the CIA does, in general terms, without giving any classified info away?
A: The CIA, US version, (China has one too) is comprised of 3 core divisions, Strategic Air Command, Project C.A.R.E., and the CIA proper. SAC handles our TO operations, whether PTO abroad or ATO foreign and domestic. Domestic operations are in conjunction with the Federal Election Commission, of which I was appointed head of. Project C.A.R.E. (Coordinated Analysis Resource Elimination) is our investigative branch. Originally conceived to fight multis and other cheats. CIA proper is our undercover sneaky spying type stuff.

Q2: For the novice player, what exactly is a PTO and, without spilling any national secrets, how are they accomplished?
A: PTO or Political Take Over is when one group tries to take over what is seen as another group's position through political warfare. It can be some people trying to take over a political party or a country. A country is of course more difficult since you have to win both the presidency and congressional majority. Accomplishing a PTO requires you getting voters from your "side" to infiltrate the target. Whether it is members of Party A joining Party B to take over, or people changing citizenship to take over another country. Usually the citizenship module prevents a mass influx of voters into a country. The exceptions are when new countries are added or if a country does not have a congressional election. If there is no Congress, there is no one to approve citizenship, so anyone can move to that country and automatically get citizenship.

Q3: PTO’s are, in some circles, sort of controversial in nature. To those opposed to PTO’s, why would you say they are important for the eUS to do?
A: Political Warfare is part of the game. For the past year, Phoenix has been the aggressor. We have at times been defending in 12 different countries. As in any sporting game, if all you are going to do is play defense, you let your opponent keep taking shots at the goal, they are eventually going to score and you are going to loose. Russia gave us the opportunity to go on the offense.

Q4: Along with PTO’s there are ATO’s. Can you explain how PTO’s affect ATO efforts here in the eUS and how they’re linked?
A: ATO on Anti Take Over is defensive side of the equation. ATO is usually seen as protecting the status quo or the people in power. The USA's ATO operation usually is very active for the congressional elections because of the number of regions we have. Since we have so many regions, it is important for us to have blockers to prevent PTO candidates from getting onto the ballot. The average US congressional seat is won with a handful of votes. If a PTO candidate is allowed to run, it gets very hard to stop them from winning. Blockers, or candidates who dont intend to win, take the slot that the PTO candidate would use to get onto the ballot.

Q5: Other than Russia, what other nations are of the greatest threat to the eUS today and why?
A: Uruguay. No...just kidding. Serbia ranks up there. Serbian plumbing is renowned throughout the world. One of their toilets can unleashed massive damage that we just frankly can not compete with. I direct you to this image as proof…

I don't want you to get any FP for this article, so won't go into further detail.

Q6: Who is your personal eHero and why?
A: Eugene Harlot. Besides all the obvious stuff that most everyone knows, it was the little things that he seemed to be able to do that always surprised me. I would write an article for SAC calling for volunteers or something, and he would be shouting it before I could. He was always there to be a Tactical Voter. His advice was always on the money and he never lost sight of all the people in the game. He was a strong moral compass and kept me from making a decision or two that I might have regretted.

Q7: Quick word association… PTO, Phoenix, Rod Damon.
A: Russia, Hungary, is Right

Q8: We all know that “Rod Damon Was Right”. Has Rod Damon EVER been wrong about anything at all? If so, when? If not, why not?
A: Thankfully never anything large. I am regretting the use of certain organizations in conjunction with our strike against the UK. I have made a few mistakes with my management style, one of which I am especially regretful about. But otherwise I think we have been doing some good work.

Q9: How would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
A: Man, I hate Zombies. Vampires I can deal with, but mindless undead are like Serbian Voters. Though I have been watching AMC's The Walking Dead, so have been picking up a few tricks. Mostly, I am thinking, hold up somewhere with some hot chicks, so even if the Zombies get me, at least I had fun.

Q10: And finally, if you could punch any eCitizen square in the face, who would it be and why?
A: Honestly, none of the eCitizens have ever got me that upset. Most everyone who does tick me off, we eventually get banned. I do have someone in Admin I am wanting to pummel, but since they are pretty well hidden away, I am not even sure who it is. Unfortunately, due to rules and ongoing appeals, I can not comment further. (Editor’s note: I smell a good punching coming soon. Watch out Admin… you have been warned.)

Bonus Question: Favorite wall? Hadrian’s Wall, the Wailing Wall, the Great Wall or the Berlin Wall?
A: Being of german descent, have to go with Berlin Wall.

USWP legend/geezer Ian John Locke IV

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