The other side of the coin...

Day 876, 14:50 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by Citizen woods

So i sent this messge to severalEuk citizens, i was intersted in the replys and arguments they might offer and i wanted understand aliitle bit about the eUk and there mentality...and i did!!!

Aslo i very sick of the spamming war thats's pettyfull, on both sides...

Hello... my names citizen woods, im a writer in eIreland and my wondering if you would like to answer some questions or make a statement, I beleive in giving both side of a story a chance to express them selfs, so i wll be include your answers if any un-edited and what not..thanks awfully....
So heres my first question if you chooose to answer it...
SO really if the UK could crush ireland then why dont you...?? you have boasted and trolled about your intention, and it is a national goal is it not to take two rish regions...were theses goals simply poltical in nature to secure votes and increase public hype, or realstic miltary goals...
Secondly if the answer to the above is yes then why dont you....MPP, not bothered no longer important or waiting for V2 or the right time..
thanks for talking,,
Citizen Woods

From Tomazim
I will answer 😉
The reasons I believe Ireland is a good goal for the eUK are:
Ireland are blatantly anti-UK in every aspect, and as an official member of the Brolliance, we should act no differently towards you than the rest of our enemies.
It will serve as a battle whenever we need it, and as none of Ireland's regions are highly populated, at not too high a cost.
We would not be able to best Ireland whilst Ireland's MPPs are active and concentrating on you, but there will be a time at which they are not.
And most importantly, this will give our military a thorough test during the release of V2.

From Dishmcds
If we're looking at pure population damage, the UK would beat Ireland 1 v 1, but Ireland doesn't have anything we value in the immediate future. We joke, mainly because the Irish don't have a backbone large enough to do anything besides argue amongst themselves, and let's not forget your own national goal is London. If you really want to talk about who has the gall to attack, then perhaps you should ask your own President first, eh?

Maddog Jones

Well, seeing as you have taken the time to write this out, I may as well be polite and offer you a response.
1. The general consensus in the eUK is that we do not think we could crush Ireland. Well, yes, we do - we could annex Ireland and hold you forever 1v1. It is the matter of MPPs that is the problem.
The scenario would be that the eUK would invade eIreland. Ireland would win the first few battles, and probably boast about it a lot, but not attack back.
However, what other countries have learned, and what Ireland will learn, is that the eUSA cares only about itself, and also making itself look bigger and better.

They will defend the Irish for the first few battles to be noble and brave (fighting a country much smaller than themselves), but once they are bored of that, they will stop fighting with high Q weapons.
All it requires is for Karnataka to be seriously invaded by a large force, at the same time as a British attack on eIreland, and bam - the eUSA would leave Ireland for dead (not without promises of coming back to help them later though). This is why South Africa lost so many of its regions for so long (they put their trust in ATLANTIS, and USA ran off to a battle more suited to its interests) and this is why EDEN practically drove the eUSA out of their alliance.

It is also why the eUK will eventually hold an Irish region - we will probably not hold it, but the fact remains that eventually we will hold a region of yours, and you will never beat us to take one of ours. Ever. (Remember you took NI off of Norway).
The reason we don't attack you yet is for various reasons - I am not a high level member of the government, so I cannot tell you exactly why GLaDOS has not pushed the button.
We had planned to attack straight away - however, after we heard of the Russian PTO plot on Norway, we decided to go for High Oil (Ireland has no high resources) and come for you later.
Obviously, the admins decided that this was unfair (to be honest, it was - if it had happened to the eUK and the admins did nothing, I would be screaming bloody murder).
The Norway invasion was an assured win for us, and so could be done out of impulse.

An invasion on Ireland would take congressional approval, as well as some strategic planning.
However, we have yet again been distracted - we had an open war with Spain, and no battles in our country. The opportunity to get us a cheap battle, and potentially even free a French region for our former allies, was too good an opportunity - Ireland cant move anywhere.
So with all of these distractions, the hype for attacking Ireland has died down a little - especially seeing as the Irish has a weak media and cannot get any articles into our top 5 - the quality of trolls is also a lot weaker, meaning that we can enrage you a lot easier than you can do to us.
And that is how it stands at the moment - we are contact just to keep taunting eIreland, knowing that you get more and more enraged trapped on your tiny rock, unable to do anything - the Irish seem to expect the eUK to attack them, whereas the option of Ireland attacking the eUK has never been considered.
You could say that eUK has no balls for not attacking yet - but we've been there, done that. The eUK has more guts than any other country in the eWorld, historically - we betrayed the eUSA to our own risk because their President insulted us and called us weak.
We also had the same scenario - a small country, (UK) trying to get a much larger country (USA) to invade them. However, instead of doing what Ireland are doing now and just waiting, we declared war and invaded their homeland - and we still stand here today.
It just goes to show the British are just that little bit braver than the Irish, on this game at least.
Basically, what I am saying is - we have pushed the button many times. Ireland has never, ever done it.
Who is it that doesnt have any balls again?

Fistly I would like to thank Dishmcds and Maddog Jones for giving me proper answer, real thought provoking stuff, and it's all pretty much true, it's as un-biased as you'll get from ANYBODY defending there countries actions...

So for a little bit of anaylse,,,,,,well THERE RIGHT.yes i know grasp shock horror,if euk attacked irelands Bro's would assure us a victory, if we attacked then we dont stand a chance on the fact that they outnumber is dismally,

NORWAY at the time was an ideal avenue for the english to0 pursue, high value region which ireland has no, No MPP's and pto'd, if we had the oppurtunity then we would have done it too.

Spain. free wars...what any logical thinking person would also gives them a chance to free a french region, a former ally of the Euk..

so it all makes sense......

I imagine that eUk will wait until are bro's are involved in a big push some where else and distrackted, if this happens and are bro's dont back us as fully as they might like to,,,The battle for Dublin would be a very close run thing..

but the bottom line is that the Euk has a HELL of alout more options out there for territol expansion, which we dont we have only ONE real option the Euk

Good night Euk

Ok so this was an article i orginally posted in ireland i mailed a few of your fine Euk citizens and there where happy to offer me there opinions, which i think are quite fair and not overly coloured by the growing sitution between are two fine countries,,i believe that the only way to move beyong this minor problem is open dilaogue between are two thats it lets talk....

I will be posting a simalar article very soon but with irish opinions instead of English ones...

Like i said 'the other side of the coin'

Fell free to mail me with porstive or negative feed back,,

Thanks for reading
vote an sub please...
Top of the morning to ya...😃