The Economist ~ One more month

Day 3,876, 05:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Spite313

Dear friends,

As my term at CP comes to a close, I’ve been drawing conclusions about what has worked and what hasn’t. In some ways it is a humbling experience, since so many plans did not turn out as I had hoped. However we are on the map, we’re financially solvent, our relations with our allies are still improving and there have been no crises to speak of.

The main failure this month has been with our new player involvement. Initially we had some interest, but unfortunately this didn’t pan out. Either because the plans we had for players were too much too soon, or because they weren’t interesting enough- it is hard to say.

We also had issues due to a major server crash just before the beginning of the term on erep-deutschland, which meant that we couldn’t track our players effectively (which helps with ensuring they are on new player friday and invited to the other schemes the Ministry of Education runs).

On the plus side, NPF has continued to be a big success and has been approved by the Plato Foundation for funding. This will mean that going forward it will be financially independent as a program, and not reliant on funding from players such as Jamesw, Talon and myself.

Militarily the RAF is doing very well, and I am currently working on creating a new plan for how it will function going forward. The RAF is not a government institution, and is a private MU. However it’s focus on new player air damage ties in with NPF so I have a particular interest. I’d like to extend my personal thanks to every MU in the eUK for continuing to be awesome, and in particular to Piran, who is a tireless supporter of the country who often goes unmentioned because he doesn’t seek glory or shout about his achievements.

If re-elected I will finalise these plans, which will include a comprehensive funding plan for the RAF. Once this is done, the RAF will be a training ground for all air-fighting players from birth to Wing Commander rank. Following this players will ‘graduate’ the program and can stay on as instructors or move to other military units depending on their preference. The MU will have good COs in every air round, air rank up rewards, benefits for making 25 kills a day and more. This will again be independently funded at no cost to the UK taxpayer.

We had a tax reduction this month (3% to 2😵 which went well. Our income dropped from around 900k a month to 600k, which is still well within budget. This tax relief benefited mainly smaller business owners who rely on Work as Manager. Whilst the eUK is not the ideal company base it is still profitable to run Q4/5 raw materials companies here, thanks in part to the tax change.

Military not much happened this month, save a bit of mild trolling (the coup attempt) which turned out to be less interesting than everyone expected/hoped. At the beginning of the term I asked around whether people would be interested in a real war, and the answer was generally “if it comes, so be it” but there was no real interest in getting involved in a direct conflict. More recently there have been rumblings in congress about a desire for a war (just purely for entertainment rather than us hating anyone in particular). If I am re-elected I will make sure that congress is properly polled on this, and if in favour I will speak to our allies about where might be a useful place for us to get involved. Naturally any such conflict would require commitment from our military units and tanks, not just from the soft-bellied political classes (myself included in that).

We had some drama at the beginning of the month with congress. I’m not going to bring this up again, but since the beginning of the new congress we’ve had a thread which has managed to stay on topic. Sir Humphrey Appleby made the thread, and wrote a short introductory article. In the best traditions of the eUK, he stepped up and did something good without needing to be asked, and although I’m sure he doesn’t care he is now the Speaker by default.

In any case, the tl;dr is that I would like to be Country President in July, and I ask for your support. I appreciate I’m a divisive figure in some ways, and I fully expect the comments of this article to be full of the same dozen salty people who comment on all my articles, but I think there is at least a consensus that as CP I act in the best interests of the whole country.

If re-elected I will make sure we are properly represented, that we get a piece of any international fun and games that may occur, and if none do I will try and make something happen from our own fairly weak position on the international stage.
