Thanks to all who support the NHS!

Day 2,261, 12:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

You guys ROCK!

Donations to the NHS have been pouring in - and heaven knows, they're badly needed. The NHS is nurturing 69 new eUK citizens, helping them grow strong and committed to their e-country. One just graduated - we let them fly the nest when they hit level 28.

Our "patients" get food daily, the amount depending upon how many points they've grown (and capped, or we could go broke really, really fast!). Some grow slowly. Some are galloping along so fast they'll surpass the rest of us in no time at all.

We're on the verge of launching a new initiative, a mentoring scheme where those participating will earn rewards (food, GBP, weapons, even gold) for achieving certain goals. The goals cover all aspects of e-Rep, short of serving in a political office, and will hopefully open the eyes of our new players to all the different things they can do here. More details will follow later this week - and we'll be back out there, caps in hand, asking for you all to provide us with the means to provide the rewards.

But we're not reinventing wheels here. This will be largely based on the Joey scheme run by eAustralia with great success, and they kindly let me filch their plan and adapt it for the eUK. A big thanks to our friends clinging upside down to this planet....