Taking the fight to them.

Day 1,291, 08:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Henry Hank Moody

With the recent liberation of Scotland from its Canadian occupiers the imperial forces of the virtual United Kingdom have turned their attention to Canadian soil and have declared war on their forces in Newfoundland.

Currently British forces in the area have enjoyed moderate successes and have been able to establish a forward base along the coast and are beginning to move their most powerful tanks into the area ready to crush Canadian resistance.

However, our forces have become bogged down in the mountainous regions of Newfoundland and are struggling to remove the Canadian forces who have become heavily entrenched in the area.

The British commander in the area Colonel Martin spoke to us about the heavy resistance he and his men are facing. “The enemy are heavily fortified and are currently engaging British and allied forces in the area in a most un-manly and cowardly guerrilla war. We request all able bodied Brits and their allies to pack their bags with as many pieces of bread and guns as possible and get to Newfoundland as soon as possible.”

UK special forces - when one gun just isnt enough!

In an attempt to remove the entrenched Canadians the leaders of Britain have employed the greatest minds in the country to invent new ways for the imperial forces to destroy their enemy.

The greatest minds of Britain have therefore been working hard on a solution to the Canadian problem and have come up with two inventions that could save the lives of many British soldiers.

First up the Einsteins of eUK have created the Trikey Tank, nicknamed the ‘uber tank’ by its creators. Unlike the larger more traditional tanks which are having difficulty manoeuvring in the rocky maintains of Newfoundland the Trikey tank will be able to move through the Mountains with ease and its mighty gun will be able to bring death on any Canadian emplacement.

The second solution created in the murky secret labs of the eUK are Steve and Roy, the only two killer Goats known to be in existence.

Steve and Roy have been extensively trained by the SAS over the past few months and are currently enjoying their first day of action against Canada. Currently their kill count is over 10 dead Canadians all of whom were taken by surprise by the killer Goats and were butted off the side of the mountain and fell 300 feet to a splattery death.

I kill you!

Only time will tell the outcome of the addition of these inventions but Fake News Daily will be bring the latest as it happens.

Long live the eUK

Party Hard