Spending RL Money and eRepublik – a perspective

Day 1,867, 07:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by asecondchance

Lately I have been thinking about real life money being spent in this game for Gold. I know there are many people against it and many who don’t see any reason not to. Here is my point of view…


eRepublik is a game. These days video games cost $50.00, Iphone Apps cost $0.99 – $9.99 and even board games cost $10 – $15.00. People create games to make money; no one gets a free lunch. Most video games or Apps have an active life of only a few months at most and after interest is lost or a new game is out to move on to. Unlike those games, people stay on eRepublik for years to continue to playing the game. So I don’t really understand the negative view of those who spend money while playing the game. This is played for enjoyment and if buying some gold to make your citizen better in some way increases your enjoyment, then go for it. Again it is a game and people pay way more on video games every 3 months than playing this game for the occasional gold purchase.


Let’s face it – this is a game. We are talking about spending Real World Money so let’s look at what in the real world we could spend that money on instead of this game…

Red Cross donation: http://www.redcross.org/charitable-donations

Shriners Children Hospital: https://secure2.convio.net/shfc/site/Donation2?idb=0&df_id=3381&3381.donation=form1&JServSessionIdr004=9mobknbtg3.app201a

St. Jude Children Hospital: https://shop.stjude.org/GiftCatalog/donation.do?cID=13805&pID=23530

Save the rain forest: https://support.worldlandtrust.org/form.asp?id=761

To sponsor a child who is in poverty in Africa costs 35$ a month for those that buy a lot of Gold in this game: http://donate.worldvision.org/OA_HTML/xxwv2DoChildSearch_B.jsp?xxwvLocation=0000&xxwvSearchType=ALL


It is all perspective. We all need a break and a chance to have entertainment and fun. If playing eRepublik is your chance to unwind then I see nothing wrong with spending money to better enjoy the game. With that said, in the bigger scheme of things real money might be better spent in the real world on real things that could make a real difference.