Some Fun Facts About Presidential Candidate JBDivinus

Day 683, 09:25 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

This is a very special edition of Canadian Liberty Magazine. In it, I will share some of the many fascinating and wonderful things about Canadian PM hopeful jbdivinus. The truthfulness and veracity of the following cannot be 100% confirmed, but you should take it as truth since it comes from his potential Minister of Domestic Affairs. Also, please do not take this list as exhaustive or comprehensive. It is merely a sampling submitted for your perusal. It's important to have all the facts before you make your choice on election day... blah blah blah.

Without further ado, here are some fun facts about jbdivinus!

- jbdivinus has counted to infinity (twice)
- jbdivinus can sneeze with his eyes open
- jbdivinus is actually the reason why Waldo is hiding
- jbdivinus does not get frostbite, jbdivinus bites frost
- jbdivinus can kill two stones with one bird
- jbdivinus was recently vacationing in the US Virgin Islands. This is why they are now referred to simply as "The US Islands"
- jbdivinus once slammed a revolving door
- jbdivinus can divide by zero
- jbdivinus knows exactly where Carmen Sandiego is.
- When eHungary learns of jbdivinus' victory in the election, they will roundhouse kick themselves because it will be easier than facing the other option.
- When jbdivinus has too much to drink, he never throws up. But you can be darn sure he throws down!
- The last time jbdivinus went bowling, he knocked down only one pin. The other pins fainted for the rest of the game.
- Many children wear superhero pyjamas at bedtime. Superheros wear jbdivinus pyjamas.
- jbdivinus is what Willis was talkin' about
- jbdivinus uses a night light. But not because he is afraid of the dark. The dark is afraid of jbdivinus
- jbdivinus was awarded his drivers license at the age of 16... seconds.
- "To Be or Not To Be" may be the question, but the answer is always jbdivinus
- jbdivinus was once involved in a gunfight. The gun lost.
- jbdivinus once crossed the road. No one was going to question his motives.
- jbdivinus knows the last digit of pi.

And finally,

- jbdivinus will make a fantastic Prime Minister of Canada

Thank you so much for reading this edition of CLM. Vote JBDIVINUS!