Shame on you Seanan

Day 2,157, 14:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

A disturbing fact has surfaced.

Dont cry but during the recent Oktoberfest :

People attending : 6.4 million
Beer Drunk: 6.7 million litres


Clearly not everyone at Oktoberfest had a drink: the standard beer mug holds a litre, so that would average a paltry 1.04 litres per visitor. Some people had much, much more to drink than that! Maybe most of those who bought tickets were designated drivers. Though the amount of beer swilled every year has been hovering around 6.5 million, the record belongs to 2011’s 7.5 million litres.

Beer Corpses: 638

We’ve all been there: a ‘beer corpse’ is someone who drank so much that they lose consciousness. As you might think, that is not an unusual thing at something like the Oktoberfest, though it’s actually very low: only one stone-cold drunk for every 10,000 attendees. Overall 8,500 people received help from the Red Cross stationed at the festival, 99 of which had serious injuries. There were no deaths, but a man whose jugular was cut by a broken mug during a fight nearly bled to death.


After these shocking fact a decision has been made to move the fest to a location where people actually drink beer.

Therefore from now until the end of eternity the fest will be held in Africa.

what has this to do with seanan: At this moment nothing but we are still following up the leads:

Ray Donavan: What did you do?

his father: Raymond what did YOOOUU DOO
what did yoooouu doo!