Russia, so many option to choose from.

Day 693, 21:56 Published in Canada Canada by Chucky Norris

Well it's the big debate of the day if you overlook our petty difference in canadian politic that is 😉

Russia now stands at a crossroad and has options altought some are unlikely, I will try to corner every possibility that they currently have. This article is meant to be a discussion also, so if you feel that there is something missing, add it so we can enrich this analysis.


One as to wonder why did the russian even accepted to live with some of their own region under enemy control. Well we need to look back at the fact in order to really see their side. Before all this ever happened Norway, finland used to control most of Russia and the most ''gifted'' region on earth, west siberian region (refered as WSR) was under romanian control. This was in the era were Romania was a superpower, controlling over 50 region. The romanian empire was fuelled by the region it controlled and the enormous amount of foreign soldier that came from all over the world to fight under the banner of Atlantis. At some point, the tide turned and Indonesia and Hungary liberated every single russian region. It was a great day for the russian, but foolish is the one who would tought that this was a selfless act. In fact the price to this liberation was a partial occupation by their liberator, until recently the urals region was under hungarian control and WSR is still a part of the indonesian empire. At some point the indonesian officials had claimed that this region was not under russian control because they had too few citizen to make use of this region. Where does that argument stand now, considering that the russian population is now larger than the indonesian population

Now with the options:

1. Status quo, stay in peace, leave WSR in the hands of Indonesia.

This has been going on forever, and as much as the negociation seem to be going nowhere, one can wonder if WSR will ever return to Russia, as the negociation with Australia seem to follow the exact same pattern in regard of Western Australia. Lending the world most valuable region sure does garantee the russian that they will remain under the protection of Peace, at what cost however is more relavent in this case. But even if Russia choose to remain in the Status quo, there is tension and internal striffe within the political sphere, most notably the Commies, wich started a RW in WSR recently are not happy with the current usage of WSR by the indonesian. There is reason to believe that these tension will only grow the longer that WSR is held by indonesian, eventually leading to more support from the population toward the Commies.

2. Stay in Peace, and manage to regain WSR.

It could be considered an option if PEACE GC really believe in a just alliance, and in the fact that all nation are equal within. Altought Eden oberserver will have a different opinions on this matters. As most of us have seen very few effort have been deployed lattely by PEACE major member to ensure the safety of their fellow member. This can be seem in different form, Either by not supporting Germany and Italy in the election, or by letting their allies fend for themselve when it came to their share of the glory. In this department we have seen countless region being taken by Eden force due to a lack of involvment from PEACE mobile force, excample of this are canadian region held by the UK, France and Iran, the spanish region held by france (wich we secondary in order to secure california) and finally the last one Indian region held by iran. But if PEACE really do liberate WSR without any further delay, Russia will most likely stay in PEACE, ending the debate.

3. Quit Peace, stay neutral.

This doesnt seem like a valid option at all, since russia is very rich in ressource it is more than an interesting target, Russia alone could sustain many country in the world lacking ressource. They need to forge MPP with powerfull nation to ensure their freedom. It is noted that if neutrality is reached not only Eden force would be a possible threat bu Peace force are more than likely to be a threat that would need to be recognized in the near future of russians.

4. Join Eden, regain WSR throught conventionnal attack or RW.

This could be a major shift in the alliance, for both sides. Altought some may questions Russian Value as they have proven to be sometimes uncontrollable, mostly regarding the Peace treaty with the US (this is another case that I don't want to look at because it would be too long to look at it.). They still pose as a major player and can have great military impact on any war they participate in. What might be needed however is better communication to make use of that large potential, maybe this point was one of the major FAILs of PEACE toward russia. Also, as it might look odd, we can look at the UK who we're considered to be hero amongts peace for standing agaisnt the US and most of Eden. What they are considered amongts Eden is something completely different as they had no real reason to speak of to become hostile toward us, from an Eden point of view of course. Well Russia could fit quite well in Eden. What would be needed to do this however would be to quickly establish MPP with Eden Nation in order to garantee Russia safety. If this is achieved however, Russia could stand on it's feet again and quite possibly regain WSR due to the help of the numerous tank from Eden.

5. Form a Slavic alliance.

This has been mentionned by the president of russia before, this option would act in the same way as similar regional Alliance like Sol or ALA. This would satisfy most russian in the way that it would no longuer need to sustain the continual affront of Indonesia. And keeping military alliance with allies that understand more their current need, on a regional level.

This Conclude our Analysis of the current possibility that Russian now have, altought we could more speak of possible endings, as a lot of factor plays into this scene, foreigners, ennemy, ''allies'' and of course the russian themselves. Only time will tell what the russian will want for their country. The choice will be hard, it will involve sacrifice, and if there is change it might be hard at the beginning, but in the end it might be worth it to sacrifice some of the present to ensure a brighter future for the citizen of tomorrow.


And as for my signature, the Chuck Norris fact of the day, enjoy! \o/

There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.