Running for IFP Party President

Day 1,807, 11:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by IamGawain


I am running for party president to the IFP. Our current president "Moomoohead" has done a great job, make sure to let him know that. The reason I am writing this article now is to get a head start, and hear the party, so I can make changes, to get your support.
Current info of party, "The Irish Freedom Party seek to uphold basic human rights, to make sure everyone in eIreland has a good standard of living, and is able to preserve themselves without the need of government handouts."
I couldn't agree more. This is a great quote for our party, and means a lot to the people of Ireland.
Current members is 41 right now, we are 3rd best in nation, and we gave 7 members to congress. That's Awesome! Moomoohead recently created the ambassador program. I love this program and support if completely. It help's give new members, or old ones, a chance to help IFP/Ireland/and give them more experience in politics. I'm sure all know the president is from our party. I know a lot of people aren't happy with his performance, but our party is helping our members learn and grow.
If I am elected I want these positions filled this way.

Vice President: Anthony Colby
Secretary General: xXAbraxasXx
Councillor: K.Fitzpatrick
Spokesman: Moomoohead

If any person declines this here are backups.

Vice President: thesazman
Secretary General: Will allow a new member to become this for experience
Councillor: Appleman
Spokesman: Anyone with good experience
I believe we should have the ambassadors encouraging friends that are good people, to come to Ireland. Of course we should precede with caution, as some people are dangerous, but that's why the ambassadors befriend them and get to know them. We have been going through tough times here in Ireland, but we can encourage people to come here, help strengthen the economy/government and help Ireland perform at it's best.
If elected I would like to have a recruitment team, that consist of 1 experienced player, and 3 not so experienced. We should focus on helping lesser members, building Ireland, and reaching out to the world, in a positive way not with violence.
To shorten this I will stop now, any further questions, feel free to send me a message. Long live/prosper/grow Ireland!

Thanks for reading, if you like it, please vote, if you support me please vote and or subscribe. Thanks!

Ambassador to Germany for Ireland's(IFP)
In-charge of Germany for Ireland's(IFP)
Ambassador to France for Ireland's(IFP)
In-charge of France for Ireland's(IFP)
Running for Junior MoF (Nov 4)
Running for Ireland's Congress (Nov 25)
Running for IFP president
Irish Freedom Party