Roboa for Congress - Victoria March 25th

Day 1,584, 01:32 Published in Australia Australia by Aussiee Bloke

Hello fellow eAustralians. I am Roboa and for the previous two terms I have been an Australian Senator. I would firstly like to thank all of those that voted for me over the last two terms.

This term I am again running for Senate in the upcoming elections. I have been active in reading and voting on the forums, accepting approved citizens and proposing required in game proposals. I try to comment when I feel I have something worth commenting and I try to avoid getting caught up in the personal squabbles that occur between some senators.

I will be running in Victoria again this term and look forward to serving eAustralia again if elected.

Current Senator - Victoria
Current FuzzyBunnies 2nd Commander and QM
Previous Senator x 1