Response to Congressional Survey

Day 397, 01:47 Published in USA USA by Publius

I'm currently running in South Carolina.

Hot Topic: As you know, we're mirroring irl USA right now. Many citizens, including the USWP are opposed to the war against France. What are you general opinions on the war- for or against? What do you think was our reasoning for getting involved? Do you blame President Dover or General Shafer for poor planning in that war?

I'm for the war. Militarily, economically, and politically war was needed.

eUSA has an exploding population that lacks age and experience. War allows our new citizens the ability to level up more quickly and strengthens our army by increasing the member's military ranks.

Through fighting and the use of hospitals, citizens can work at almost completely full productivity. This increases our GDP substantially.

This war provided the ability for ATLANTIS to secure it's borders, to free a country that had negotiated in good faith, and to demonstrate that it wasn't PEACE's pushover.

Also, frankly, the game isn't that interesting without the strategy aspect that war provides.

The execution of the war hasn't been perfect. This is understandable as the eUS hasn't seriously gone to war in a long time. While I find the missteps forgivable, I think Benn hasn't done a good job handling criticism. The flap about "fighting bare fisted" and the corresponding changeover in the military pay scale could have been prevented through clearer orders or a pre-emptive newspaper article.

2. Economic: There's a lot of talk on the forums about economic issues. How would you gauge our current economic situation, and how would you propose that we improve it?

My assessment: In flux. We're digesting the productivity formula changes, a huge growth in new, unskilled workers, and changes in supply and demand from wartime pressures.

Much of the economic debate that occurs in congress lacks analytical backing. I'd like to see more formula and figure-based analyses of tax changes in future administrations.

3. General Policy: Give a brief summery of your beliefs, whether they all coincide with the overall Libertarian ideals or not.

The majority of Libertarian beliefs aren't covered by the game mechanics. Where they are relevant, I generally toe the libertarian line.

# I support taxes that are low enough to just cover the expenditures of the government
# Import taxes should be kept low to facilitate competition
# Government ought to keep expenditures limited to regulation of the currency's value and military funding
# I support our military
# War makes the game interesting

4. General Qualifications: Are you currently signed up on the US forums, and can you devote about an hour a day to policy discussion? Do you use the US IRC channel?

The IRC channel generally annoys me, but I go on occasionally.
On the forum I have 141 posts and 2 days, 19 hours and 34 minutes logged in time.