PTO Attempts and eSouth Africa Rants - Day 798

Day 798, 15:40 Published in USA Ireland by Bristel Akina

Good morning, afternoon and evening, eRep'ers and fellow eAmericans.

I have just spent the last 20 minutes or so reading the local news and some articles about eSouth Africa and eBelgium.

There seems to be a big conspiracy over the last few days involving PTO attempts stretching all across the globe.

First, in Europe, eBelgium has been reported to have been in an attempted PTO involving Phoenix members and EDEN members, which has ultimately led to EDEN members holding eBelgian Congressional seats. The news seem to suggest that eBelgium was under an imminent threat of PTO by Phoenix members, and therefore EDEN members were sent in to help prevent seats being lost to Phoenix supporters.

The propaganda being slopped about has never been thicker in my opinion, and the only people who are NOT benefiting from this are the eBelgians.

While I have been vocal in my support of preventing PTO attacks in India, against the Iran Mafia group responsible, my voice is waning in its strength against the PTO attempts in eBelgium and in other places.

Why is that so?

Because of this propaganda campaign being put up by both sides, I can't be sure whether or not these things are actually happening.

In the past 5 days, I have been slowly losing my grip on the reality of the political situation here in the eUSA... There is almost no certainty anymore. (At least for me, and possibly for others I am sure) I'm under-informed, I'm woefully scared of even my own country, I'm getting nervous of what our own government is really planning.

Another "possible" PTO attempt was held in the eUSA, as there were several seats that have gone to members with no ties to any eUS officials, members, or people on friend lists...

Why is this strange to me?

Because usually, when a citizen wants to run for a seat in the congress, they have to be vetted, and they have to be pretty well known... At least having friends from the eUS in their list would be an indicator of their true nationality, and at least some discussion of their intention to run would have been posted SOMEWHERE.

I'm not falsely accusing people here, but it really does seem to be an attempt at undermining our strength, and the strength of other countries in eRepublik.

So, whether or not it is a Phoenix backed PTO attempt or not, this seems to be the week for PTOs...

Secondly, in eSouth Africa, there have been articles lambasting political parties who have selfishly claimed that their last wins against eIndonesia were of their doing, of their hard work...

This is sickening, how could you attack your own fellow eSouth Africans directly, when it was you as a whole that beat the eIndonesians?

eSouth Africa, you get my Patented Stamp of Gay-pproval™ for taking initiative and beating back your oppressors out of your home territories.

BUT, you do not receive much more than that from me, despite my last few articles covering your story.
This infighting cannot be sustained, and it can't be healthy for a country who was, and still is, on the verge of being eliminated by more than two countries who only want to see you wiped off the map!

You grew a pair, now use those brass balls and beat your opponents on the battlefield, not use them to whack each other on the head!

As a friend of eSouth Africans, and as a friend of eRep'ers in general, I support your newfound glory and initiative to do the things you need to do. But for eGod's sake, turn your attentions on eBrazil and continue to watch eIndonesia... You cannot afford to be squabbling!


As the days go by here in Karnataka, I have seen a lot of things happening, have heard a lot of news, and have heard plenty if not too much propaganda.

As an eAmerican, as an Ambassador, and as a journalist, these things excite and anger me.

They can also motivate and sustain me, and give me some amount of joy and pride.

I am thinking about running for office, I don't know if this is a good or bad thing to say right now.
I am hard working, or at least I try to be. I'm honest. I'm motivated and savvy.
I don't know what you think, but here is what I think:

1- The situation in the eUS can't hold forever. We are either going to do the things government has promised, or not.

2- The PTO attempt has got me worried, and is making me want to run for congress in states that don't have quite the representation that the larger states and the fortress states have.

3- There are very important things the eUS has had planned for months, that we haven't done, and it's about time we start doing them.

4- I may seem to agree with many of my party members and leaders, but I'm getting a bit tired of pulling the rope when it is clear that the rope isn't moving at all.

5- I would never promise something if I wouldn't get around to doing it quickly and efficiently.

6- A single person ran under my party for the State of Washington (which happens to be my RL state of birth, where I grew up) who was not supported by my party. This is not good. We don't even know who the person is... How did this happen?

7- There needs to be some kind of article detailing the States, with the intent on informing people about the elections... ALL of them. This doesn't take a lot of time. I would do it myself if asked.
This would be to prevent unknowns who don't even provide a platform from getting votes.

8- If asked, I would run for Washington State, or whatever state I am needed in. And I would work hard to make sure that whatever state I am in gets what is needed, within reason, for that state.


I am putting myself out there, on the chopping block, in the hopes that these things will stop happening.

I'm done ranting for today. I've fought in the Resistance War in Chhatisgarh for the 5th damn time...
I've worked, and I have done my piece.

If you support what I have to say, leave a comment below and vote and subscribe.

-Bristel Akina