Proud&Horny Interview with Paul Proteus

Day 4,690, 16:00 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath

There have been plenty of good writers in erepublik, but few have survived quite as many fictional deaths as our very own Paul Proteus. A former CP, media mogul, multi-term congressman, and many-term executive writer, he has now graced us with his presence in this interview room.

Let’s get into the interview! But first, some music:

The Fed party, by contrast, has only great places to go

Mr Proteus, first I’d like to ask the question on everyone’s min😛 how do you survive that many fictional deaths??? I mean, I think I killed you at least a few times in the WHPR alone. Why/how are you still alive?

Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I think it’s kind of a wishful thinking type scenario on the part of the community to be honest, not that I can blame them.

On a more serious note, you are someone who’s been around the erepublik city block a few times, and you’ve accomplished a good bit in your time here. Tell us a little about your CP terms, and what you accomplished during those.

The year was 2010 and the Shaolin PTO of eSwitzerland was in full gear. The Swiss people cried out for an army, and a new constitution, and….

In all honesty, I’ve only done one term in the eUS, and my CP term here was pretty rough. We had been wiped for two months going into it and Unity was in full swing, and we were really unable to break free from a lot of those circumstances while Derp and I spun wheels on foreign policy. I’m glad I was President, it was a unique experience, and was also entirely miserable. The accomplishments I’m a lot more proud of in this game are where I think I’ve hopefully helped build the community here. Being able to support really great players, and having been around for so much of the Feds’ successes have really been what make this game worth playing for me.

Here’s a bit of a fun question. Anyone with a media mogul has to have published quite a few memorable quality articles. Do you have a favorite of yours, from over the years?

Oh absolutely. That’s the gift and curse of this game, is how much we are able to invest in the pixels here. It’s kind of amazing how much effort people far more talented than I am have spent on this site. But yeah I have really fond memories of just spending insane amounts of time writing here. Anyway, here are my favorite articles I wrote:
-The one where I interviewed a pet rock:
-The longest most pretentious interview ever done on this site
-The one where I moralize about Kongress and American political philosophy

Rereading them is kind of both nostalgic and horrifying.

And finally, if you haven’t lost count, can you tell us how many months you’ve been working in various CP cabinets, and with what jobs?

I literally have no idea. I will say, I’ve had a pretty narrow career, so it’s mostly been Media. When I first came to the eUS I floated around the State department and did SecState for Blank Keating, but my break that put me on the path to a national presence was doing Media for Vanek. I was Aeriadne’s Vice President, which was fun, and I’ve been an advisor floating around for a while. But honestly I can’t keep track of how many times I’ve been SecMed, or taken over halfway through, or flaked after three WHPRs. It’s really a thankless job, but the beauty of this game, even now, is that really, nobody has to do it, but we really really do convince ourselves that we do.

Now onto Fed party questions. How long have you been a Fed? Why did you first join?

I joined the Feds after my previous party, the Libs, were taken over, so that has to have been around January 2012. Since then I’ve been in the party except for like 2 months when Malarkey and I were in the AMP. And I joined just because even then the Feds were the best. On IRC I had been pretty close with Cromstar and Soren Nelson, and I always admired how much of an identity the Feds had. The Feds at the time were barely a top-5 but still had the most serious and meaningful community of any party around. Being a Fed meant actually being part of a community that seemed more important than the game mechanics really suggested parties should be.

And how has the party been treating you? Is it still a good fit for you?

The Feds are, in my unbiased opinion, the best party around, and the only reason I’m still playing today. Whenever the eUS can get disillusioning, I’ve always been able to retreat to work on the Feds. And even after spending a few years away from the game, that really never changed. I’m really glad the party still exists and I hope we outlast this game.

And now for a question that I really enjoy asking: What is your Proudest&Horniest Fed party memory?

It absolutely has to be when we first broke into being the number one party. Again, when I joined the party the Feds were at a bit of a low point struggling to stay in the top 5, and it really was a lot of work between myself, Malarkey, and BigCDizzle to kind of restart the party. And then of course, people started coming back and we’ve had a really good run since then, which has been incredibly satisfying.

Well folks, there we have it. Paul Proteus!

Stay tuned for more Proud&Horny coming out of this very newspaper! But while you wait, here’s some music:

Except when you’re looking at parties, you really can tell... Feds are the best!

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