Presidential Update: Day 864

Day 864, 14:51 Published in Ireland Canada by JohnSmith 2K9

Dear Ireland

First off we have a new MOD, of who is Darragh O Faolain. Some may ask “What about DT?” He resigned as he said there would be too much Drama and that would stop the nation moving along and him doing this job

I also would like to appoint a new Chief of Staff: Cpl Useless
I would like to thank Darragh and CPL for taking on their duties.

Darragh is in the middle of fixing up the IDF, merging units and making it run better to be a army ready to fight at a short notice and it is a great honour to be Supreme Commander of this army

As for the 3 state companies that were stolen from the State Organisations a few days ago, I would like to announce that we have them back under the government control. And Padraig_Pearse’s account has been permanently banned… again. Now, he has adopted a more original name: Mr_Pearse.
And he showed us that some Orgs passwords were not changed in months, I have since changed every single government org password

We have had quite a busy week in the Dail Éirinn, I have faced a impeachment from Bryan O’Shea TD who even tried to get someone else to try and impeach me,. I thank for Bryan for showing that I still have the support of the Dail, 27 TDs support me. I thank you for showing me that.

We had also Bryans plan to get rid of the constitution,
it needed 2/3s majority, but it only got the support of 12TDs and 14 TDs said no. so it has been thrown out for the time being

We also had a vote on a new Moderator for the IRC, (please tell me if the link does not work)

This is because Dubhs was the old owner, since he is no longer a Irish citizen, we voted on a new one who is uaithne. I wish you luck.

Upcoming elections: this election looks to be a real repeat of the October and November elections. But I hope Vice President 5n4keyes wins this time around, he will make a great President and I wish him and Patton the best of luck, this nation will have a great month no matter if Patton or Snakes wins. But I have to support my party and Vice President, so my support and vote goes to Snake.

There is also plans from the Dail to make a more Streamlined Government . It looks like a good talk but I want to say that the Cabinet is up to the President to decide, so a President can only change the Cabinet and make it smaller and under different banners.

We will have different things coming from the MOC over the next few days for Easter.

People have been saying to me about the houses in the state companies, I want to say now, that they will be sold to noobs but not for profit for the State, or any private citizen but to help our noobs and nation, I still have to work out a price with my MOI, but they will most likely to be sold for 1G each, a lot cheaper then the market costs. And the will be for Irish New Citizens only. And they should be on sale tomorrow or Easter Sunday.

Best Regards again Ireland,
JohnSmith 2K9
President of Ireland
p.s can all Minsters please PM me when you read this.