President Update: the Month in review and Update

Day 867, 13:39 Published in Ireland Canada by JohnSmith 2K9

Good Evening Ireland

(i wrote this last night, so it is a bit outdated)
As you know today is Election Day, we have former Presidents of Irelands Patton and 5n4keyes running and we have my Minster of Technology Glorious Connolly looking the highest seat in the land, the seat which for the next few hours I still hold. I wish them all the best of luck; we also have this other guy, who I have never heard of in my elife and I would bet he will not get many votes.

So make sure you vote

March has been a busy month, at the start of the month we had me and Dubhs and Nith really looking Phoenix Park, it was a real stressful time for me. Unlike this month we don’t hear all the Hammers and Articles we did last month, I was slightly disappointed, as I was looking forward to them even through I found them funny and annoying at the same time when I ran.
On the Election Day I had quite a lead with Dubhs caught up. And by the end of the night it was near neck and neck for me and Dubhs, and then Nith dropped out and I got the IUP backing late that night. And I was winning by a few votes in the last few mins which then Dubhs caught up and so won by 2 votes.
I want to say here, that I really wanted to give up their and then, and i did but I thought I would come on one last time to say that I was leaving when I seen that Dubhs was facing impeachment which would make be President, It failed by a 1 vote which made Dubhs safe from impeachment for another week, we had the IDF resign over John Jay, we had Dubhs trying to get EM powers over a spy on IFP, which IFP/IUP were talking about a deal. And he threatened the IDF over them resigning. On the 21st of March, he faced another impeachment and on the 22 of March, he got impeached, and I was then President of Ireland.

President JohnSmith 2K9
After I moved into Phoenix Park, I sacked all Minster I knew I could not work with and John Jay and replaced them with other Minsters. My term got off to an ok start. Then we had the State Bank being hacked into and the Passwords changed, luckily the Admins temp banned the Org and we got the password changed and I got it back the next day, I to this day don’t know how the Org got its password found out, as only me and Apple knew it.
Later on the IDF were starting their resigning, I had a choice, either fire MOD and COS Gleb. Or MOD would resign, over JJ still being a CO. the IDF were staring their resigning again, so I contacted a lot of people, and asked their views, and so in the end I fired Gleb under 3.5 and 3.7 of the Irish con, and sacked JJ as CO of NF, since then DT has came back and resigned again as it would cause too much drama, and so I had a new MOD, Darragh and a New COS CPL useless, who I got home from Oz, and a new CO of NF, Dan M
I thought all was well; expect the attacked from the hardcore lefts. Until I was eating my supper one night when I thought I would go back on IRC one last time that night when I signing in Manni started shouting that PP had cleared out all the Orgs, I thought the banc which he said he had cleared out the day before, but the banc was safe, then my Vice President Snake told me that PP had hacked the State Orgs, so me and him went and took back control of most of the Military Orgs, I was very happy when I took control of the MOD Org again, as it had 160G in it. luckily PP did not get control of the Org with the Q5 hospital or the Q5 weapon company. We again got the orgs that they were moved to banned, and later on PP got banned.
Now we have a threat from across the Irish Sea and from the North, if the UK marches upon Irish Land, they will wish they never done it, Ireland has always been fighters. We have fought you for 800 years, and the UK Gov in 2007 even saying that they did not defeat the Irish,
The IDF has been getting in a great shape since I took over, great reform has happened this month. We have put the wages up in the Q5 Company to 18IEP a day, so you can afford Q5 food and gifts if needed. I hope all NF members can work at it, so we have Q5s in time for any war.

So this month has been a long rocky month, it has had the closest election in a long time. It has had uproar from the Dail and IDF, has had 3 impeachments votes, a impeach president, Orgs getting stolen and now this threat from across the Irish Sea. But from now on this month has been know as the month of 2 Presidents. The Month of Duhbs and John, and in the momounot, I unveil in Phoenix park, I also want to put Dubhs name on it, as it was his goals and even through me and him did not meet eye to eye every time, he was not the worst President that we ever had or will.

I want to thank Darragh, DT, Gleb, CPL, Irishbhoy, Edana, Apple, GC, Biffo, Ian, OJ, Sweet, James, Dash and to everyone in Ireland for the last few weeks, and of course Dubhs. And Vice President Snake

Now in one of the last few hours in office, I want to do something I feel this woman fully deserves, I want to name Irish Princess a hounary Princess of Ireland. She has been a great MONC and lovely woman, and I wish her all the best of luck with President Patton. You are now back in Phoenix Park

I also want to say gratz to Nogin the Nog, or Christina, she has been a great person to me when I ran the MOC back in Oct. when I was a little noob, who thought then I would be President of Ireland, she has now become one of the few people in Ireland to have a RW medal, gratz Nogin

One last thing, I want to name the 4th of every month, Irish women’s day, to show how much this small group has done to our nation and to the world.

Thank you again Ireland for the time, I hope I can run again some other time, when I have more time, and so I can do better. Let’s grow into a great country, maybe take over Iceland when it gets added to the game

Best regards Ireland
JohnSmith 2K9
President of Ireland
22nd March 2010 to 6th April 2010
