President denies intimate relation with Lana

Day 902, 01:31 Published in South Africa Netherlands by Fhaemita The Apostate

South Africa, may 10 2010 - Kimberley
In a Statement made by the president today about his releation with Lana. There have been insistent rumors about the presidents relation with a woman called Lana. The president released a statement today stating " I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lana. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false."

With these words the president mimics the former American President Bill Clinton who had a affair with a woman called monica lewinsky. President Clinton had a impeachment started against him and in south Africa the people are calling for the same thing. "We can not have a president who holds loss relations with females, he has to be a example for the country" said a protestor.

After some research about Lana we found some shocking things out about her. We found out that she would do anything with anybody as long as you pay her gold. Also she is currently pregnant and Lana does not know who the father is, but it is possible that our president is the father of her baby.

We will keep you updated on any further development.