PP election July

Day 2,058, 19:40 Published in USA USA by LordOther

I am running for Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party for one more time next term I will most likely not run next month and let someone else step up to the plate. But for this PP election I am asking for your vote.

My Platform for this term:

1. I am going to try to raise awareness of the Socialist Freedom Party.

2. I am going to try to increase our footprint in national politics and the national media. That means we must continue to produce party propaganda and promoting the socialist ideology and to do that we must increase the output of articles by our members.

3.I am going to try to increase the chances for new players to have a role in the Socialist Freedom Party's leadership position's which I am currently doing with Cameron Villa and Ryan Mathis.

4. I am going to try to get a pro-SFP article out at least every two days through myself or getting other players to publish articles.

Socialist Freedom Party Revolutionary Commitee
Party President: LordOther
Vice President: Dylan Thomas10
Secretary General: InsaneKaleb
Counselor: crvnazvezda
Spokesman: Cameron Villa
I am also adding a new position Director of Recruitment: Ryan Mathis

If you would like a position in my Party Cabinet just message me and we will work out a new position.