Political Parties are more cliques than about governing

Day 1,858, 10:10 Published in Ireland Ireland by asecondchance

When I think about political parties and what differentiates 1 party from another I think about platforms and key topics that have very well defined objectives which members support and their elected officials are expected to implement.

For example for eIreland I would expect each political party to have a well-defined platform which clearly states what they would do with our most important issues:

1. Alliances / MPP’s - Do they favor a specific alliance, do they favor more / less MPP’s and with which nations, etc

2. MU Supplies – how we treat Irish Army, Bootcamp and private MU’s

3. Economy – How should our finance minister be investing our money? Do we plan to lower or raise taxes?

4. Increased citizenship – clear plans to recruit, retain new citizens, etc

5. Military - Training Wars, Real wars, expansions

6. Government handouts

The key is to ensure the platforms for each party cover important topics SPECIFIC to the game, forgetting RL politics.

There are many more big ticket items but as it sits today when a new citizen or an old citizen clicks on the top parties to learn what they stand for and if they should join, here is what they get:


Saoirse na-hEireann || Join the most active political community in Ireland For stronger Eire - together!

Irish Union Party
The Irish Union Party is the oldest party in Ireland and has been an constant institution of Irish politics ever since. Our party mission puts a strong emphasis in a united and free Ireland above all else.

Independent Labour Party
The ILP seeks for a fairer, stronger, ethical and more democratic Ireland for all!

Independent Voices
IV is a place for people whose political ideologies do not fit those of Ireland's other parties. As a result the group has no manifesto as such, with each individual member representing their own viewpoints and opinions rather than a set agreed by the collective.

Irish Freedom Party
The Irish Freedom Party seek's to uphold basic human rights, and to make sure everyone in eIreland has a good standard of living. No government handouts! We strive for a good government and economy, with strong political view's


The only write up that makes sense based on the party is Independent voices but again it is an oxymoron to have a group of independent’s form a group in the first place…

I would like to see the political system make sense based on parties outlining what they would do SPECIFICALLY to better eIreland and what they stand for as a party so people know what they are getting when they cast their votes… Today is all generic statements and makes the party system more of a clique than a vehicle for change in a government.

What are your thoughts? Agree? Disagree?

Wouldn’t it make the game a little more interesting if each party stood their grounds and define their stances on important issues so as a citizenship we can vote people into power knowing what measures they will take? As it is we have no idea what a party does when they get elected since they don’t define their platform.