PimpDollaz for Congress in British Columbia

Day 703, 03:25 Published in Canada USA by PimpDollaz

Good day to the fine people of eCanada. I, PimpDollaz hereby announce my candidacy for Congress to represent my own home province of British Columbia.

I would first like to thank Rainer N for allowing me to run under the banner of the CNC, as I am currently a member of the CAP. Rainer N has done an outstanding job to make the CNC one of the leading political parties in the land, despite what his detractors say about him. I have known him through our membership in Bruck's Canucks where I am Chief Logistics Officer and 4th Platoon Commander (Rabid Wolverines of Death PWNS, so eat it Rylde).

Running in British Columbia

As a real life BC boy, I see no greater political honour than to serve my home province within the great eCanada congress. I would not feel right being a parachute candidate who knows little about the constituency they are supposed to be serving. It does not help the people there if their representatives are simply running there for strategical reasons, or just because they can run there through seniority. If I am elected in my home province, my constituents will know that I have their best interests at heart because I am one of them. Not many people can truly say that these days.


I believe that we can put the power back in the hands of the voter. With that in mind, I plan to publish my voting record in this newspaper for all to see. Some congress people have done this in the past, but not all. I believe in being directly accountable to the people, and I encourage them to bring me their ideas. I will always be open to new perspectives, though some may not be. I feel that people should know how their congress representatives voted on certain issues, such as MPP's, which directly affect the security of us all. Some people have voted against signing MPP's with long-standing allies, but we do not know who or why. Voters should be concerned about that.


Now, I do not claim to have a sophisticated working knowledge of economics, (in fact, I will probably be seeking much advice from Addy) so on this issue I pledge to remain flexible rather than ideological. That is to say, I will vote in the manner that will give eCanada the greatest benefit, regardless of who proposes the bill. For instance, it may be advantageous to lower minimum wage if the majority of companies are struggling to stay afloat. In other instances, there may be a glut of products on the market, and increasing minimum wage may help assuage that condition and put more money in the pockets of consumers.

Enemies of eCanada

I am not in favour of making any deals with PEACE or any of it's member nations. I do not believe in surrendering to them either. I am in favour of fighting like true Canadians would to take back what is rightfully ours. I also believe in fully assisting our allies across the globe for however long it takes to make them secure. Just for the official record, here is a video clip of me in action against a Hungarian soldier during the recent battle in Manitoba:



I feel that eCanada should be ever faithful to our allies, as they have gone above and beyond the call of duty to protect and liberate us. If any of our allies is involved in a fight, then we should be, too. In addition to this, there are many countries in the eWorld that we can hope to have on board with us in the future. I believe that we should explore building new relationships with other nations in all corners of the globe. You can never have too many friends, and there are 60 nations in the eWorld, some of which are not in an official alliance of some sort. You never know which one of them will have a baby boom and become the next power.


In the past, there have been instances of people receiving citizenship when they were known to have sympathies for the other side. One congressional duty is to approve citizenship, and I will thoroughly vet anyone that I grant citizenship to. It is not something that one can do just for the sake of doing it.

Contacting Me

As a congressman, I will represent all Canadians. Everyone is free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns that they may have, and I will try my best to help you out. For my international audience, if you are thinking about moving to eCanada, and you wish to know more, you are also free to contact me and I will help you through it.

The War Effort

If I am elected, I will donate the 5 gold I receive to the war effort. In reality, this is the people's money for electing me, and therefore not mine to keep.

Thank you very much for your time, ladies and gentlemen, and please remember to vote. Democracy cannot work without you.

