Official White House Press Release (#84): Gifts Abound

Day 848, 21:03 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Official White House Press Release (#84): Gifts Abound

17 March 2010, Day 848 of the New World.

The contents of this White House Press Release are:

1. Department of Interior Announces Gift-a-thon

2. Gift-a-Broatian and Gift-a-Brolish Day

3. An Easy Way to Get Involved in Politics

Department of Interior Announces Gift-a-thon

The Department of Interior (DoI) is giving away free gifts to boost newer American players' wellness. Why are they doing this? Because the American government loves its citizens. Also, changes to the healing system were recently made the Erepublik Administrators. You can no longer use hospital to heal yourself for more wellness than you lost during fights. So if you fought once--thereby losing 10 wellness-- a hospital will only heal you for 10 wellness. The American government thinks this is pretty crappy, so it wants to help out.

An even better gift than this.

The requirements for eligibility to receive gifts is as follows:

Must fill out this form

Must be born after day 834.

Must be in a fortress state (the form also has a place to get moving tickets).

Must be a US citizen.

That's it! Enjoy your wellness!

Gift-a-Broatian and Gift-a-Brolish Day

The United States has a tradition of spontaneously gifting its allies' citizens. We've done it with Spain, and we've done it with Canada. Given recent events, it's time we express our love for Croatia and Poland. Ultimately this is a great way for citizens to express their mutual admiration for one-another as well as being a great way to distinguish between leadership disagreements and citizenship disagreements. Obviously, recent events are more of the former than the latter. We don't call them Broatia and Broland for nothing.

Croatia and Poland, we haz a prezunt for yew.

So, in honor of these two great citizenries, please, message this organization (Arm America) and ask for a gift to give to a random Polish or Croatian citizen. The organization will send you a few items to pass along. How to find a random citizen, you ask? Simply click here to find a Croatian citizen or click here to find a Polish citizen. Then, once you've received your gift, send it their way! A little message helps too. We encourage you to write your own, but here's a suggestion:

Subject: Brolicious

Dear fellow EDEN citizen,

I'm just sending you a gift to let you know that we appreciate your contribution to EDEN. While things haven't gone very smoothly in the last several days, the disagreements have been between our leadership. We, the American people, still have tremendous respect for your country. I look forward to owning Failnix together, with your country. Signed,

(Your Name)

Good luck, and start sending!

An Easy Way to Get Involved in Government

Many players often want to get involved with helping their country but don't know how. The Department of Human Resources offers an easy one-stop shop for anyone interested in getting involved with the government. Simply fill out this form with all your eRepublik experiences and interests. The Department of Human Resources will take care of the rest!

Useful Links
Department of Defense Orders
President PigInZen’s Newspaper
Vice President Andy Costello’s Newspaper
State Department News
USA Department of the Interior
The Army Times
Mobile Infantry Battle Cry
The Welcoming Committee Newspaper
Flying Unicorn News

This concludes the eighty-fourth White House Press Release and the tenth of this Presidential term. Be sure to observe DoD Orders, as the war is ever-changing!

Stay Thirsty My Friends,

Mr. Hyphenated
Secretary of the Media

Deputy Secretary of the Media

Gnaeus Progenitor
White House Press Secretary