Nos Populus: Populi autem insurgentibus...

Day 1,905, 08:34 Published in USA USA by Drew Blood

This is your intrepid reporter coming to you from the corner booth in the rear of the Big Bang Burger Bar, not far from the end of the Universe, reporting for the Nos Populus....

America: A Culture of Duality ~ GloveisLove

Today GloveisLove published the above article, he touched on the many things wrong with America much more eloquently than myself; then this morning Tiamati published Regarding Fingerguns Presidency -these citizens get.

Here is a quote from Fingerguns’s exit article concerning Operation: Gangnam Style, ‘There have been some minor setbacks in this Operation. Taiwan was doing a good job of cutting us off to stop us from really getting things rolling in the first place. Perhaps I shouldn't have announced my plans so publicly like some kind of super villain?’, now on the surface this remark is a pretty innocent excuse for utter failure; let us take another look.

Really Fingerguns -or is it Henwee- has managed to blame the failure on American Citizens demanding more ‘transparency’ in government, she gave America the information sought and because she did the operation was a failure; BTW America the demand for more openness was treasonous -we failed because Americans are traitors.

Now to begin I must first make it perfectly clear that it has never been solely about Henry Pfeiffer Arundel, it is not my mission to run Henwee out of the game; those are his tactics and I would never stoop to his level. What this has been about is the secret backroom leadership where ALL Pfeifferist decisions are dictated to them by Herr Henwee, it is about the total incompetence of their leadership which has been unable to defeat the AFA -a party they themselves labeled the #1 Terrorist Threat- nor defeat their leader and America’s #1 Enemy -Ronald Gipper Reagan.

What this is about is the ‘Pfeifferist Loyalist Alliance’ (PLA) and their tactics of bullying any New Citizen or any citizen who actually takes part until they leave eRepublik, their credo being, ‘The fewer citizens the better.’; that should be obvious to anyone since it is the same 10 maybe 15 citizens who have run America’s government for more than a year. Leadership which can not even get America into a war that is winnable, ‘Gangnam Style’ my ass; this IS a war game, right?

This is about the retention of the few actually New Citizens America births, this is about the growth of America instead of the stagnation that the PLA seek to retain; this is about the PLA being more interested in themselves rather than having America in their heart; their own power rather than America’s Honor.

Day 1,902, 13:28
You know that most of them don't like Pfeiffer, right? RIGHT?

Wait? What? Really?

The other day I wrote the article Nos Populus: Quaeritur Potestatem in which I asked Henwee to answer the same questions he had posed to Jason Statham Jr., it is completely clear that not only will he not be answering them; everyone of his horde of zombie sock puppets came out to defend him -just not him. The very citizens who could solve the problem, the ones I consider PLA turned a blind eye to bullying trollism; they turn a blind eye because it’s Henwee being Henwee.

Now my granddaddy taught me that if it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck most likely..., you get the idea, the citizens in those threads had every chance to at the very least remain silent until Henwee received an answer rather than dog pile; instead they took the easy road they knew would impress Henwee. Instead of sending a message saying, ‘If you win the election we will be happy to mentor you through’, each and everyone of them choose instead to join the cluster bump and drove him off; if you are being robbed don’t count of these guys -hell they just might join in.

You’re for us or you’re against us and you're a traitor....

Henry Pfeiffer Arundel the other day wrote an article which had nothing to do with eRepublik entitled, Intolerance is Universal. Now he wrote this article to demonstrate that he is a ‘swell guy’, defending the down trodden and all; too bad most of us remember the vile venom of his intolerance of those who oppose him or have a new idea. The PLA is quick on the draw to label any citizen or any party as the enemy when they do not stand with Der Fuehrer, they have tried to paint every citizen who joins the AFA as traitors; never mind that some well respected Americans have joined the AFA.

The PLA wants you to believe what they do they do for America, never mind that their ‘lose bonuses/lose PToers’ policy is a miserable failure; never mind they supported the ONE leaning CTRL Alliance and now support joining ONE leaning CoT. Never mind that their Foreign Policy has made enemies out of our oldest Friends and friends out of our oldest enemies, never mind that America’s military leaders can’t even pick a fight without getting laughed at and Richard blocked.

Never mind that they can not seem to beat the #1 Terrorist Party in America, never mind they had no trouble PToing every 6th party they could lay their hands on; never mind they essentially control the ‘Unity’ vote during every election cycle and thereby control the Top 5 parties in America -oh...except for that pesky #1 party the AFA, right? What the PLA does they do for themselves and their fuehrer, if they cared America would have 10/10 bonuses -instead of having USAF Communes offshore with 10/10 bonuses helping someone else's economy; if the PLA cared America would be fighting and winning a war that earned it’s citizens True Patriot Medals and the Gold reward that comes with it -instead of announcing that after 100 Battle Hero medals he is bored and would no longer chase them.

Dio is on our side, Join the Pfeifferist Loyalist Alliance(PLA)....’

During the recent SPQR Movement most of the PLA members proclaimed the Movement’s belief in Dio, never mind they worship a false idol while bringing RL beliefs in game; never mind most of them stated some years back that religion would not work in game. The PLA uses this tactic to once again spread intolerance, using RL religious prejudices to again label any opposing citizen as godless; if you stand against us you stand against Dio and you’re a godless traitor.

This has never ever been solely about Henry Pfeiffer Arundel, it has to do with the cadre of apologist who he has taught how to mulitie without getting caught; it has to do with the PLA driving new citizens away from eRepublik by being toxic hateful a@@ clown bullies. The PLA has even dropped any pretense of a ‘Unity’ process of choosing this months PLA Stooge, they just simply drove all the other candidates out of the game and it isn’t the first time; remember my Granddaddy and that duck...I am pretty sure I smell duck sh....

Join We The People, help build a voting bloc in Congress who listens to the People...

...with a Tebow, a Kaepernick and a Rodgers, he tips his Aluminum Hat and with a blinding flash of green light and a big bang the Stoner in the corner back booth eating a burger disappears....

'What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Strength and honor.'
Maximus Decimus Meridius

Order of the Black Shamrock
Unites States Air Force
4th Air Squadron
2nd Bomber Wing
'Black Hawk Flight'