Nifty? ESO? It doesn't matter.

Day 2,976, 03:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by MrBunty

I'm quite a new player and this will be my first article in an attempt to get on the current bandwagon sweeping the UK news.

Do I know what Nifty is?
Not really, some sort of MU that has a lot of powerful people in it.

Do I know what ESO is?
A Political Party.

Does any of this matter?
In the words of Maggie Thatcher: No. No. No.

The Frenchies are invading our realm and all people seem to be doing is fighting each other and not the enemy. It really doesn't help anyone when one side makes an accusation and the other tries to counter it, and then another accusation is made followed by another counter argument.

So, why don't people just stop posting about it.

It really doesn't matter if someone on the internet insults you slightly, just forget about it and try and sort out the real matters at hand, like the fact that our capital city is currently being invaded by the French.

Despite being a small fish in the eUK, I ask all Nifty, ESO, Voodoo and anyone else in this battle of newspapers to stop. Just think about what you're doing and you'll realise it's pointless. It just puts people off playing and wastes time.

It would be nice if the eUK government could provide more regular updates on the conflict with the French as many not in the government (and probably many in the government)aren't really sure what's going on. Put some effort into that instead of destroying the country from the inside and helping the foreign invasion, otherwise, both sides are to blame.

Thanks for reading.