NEW to eRpublik and not sure what to do? You need these!

Day 598, 07:53 Published in USA USA by Angerforge

The North American University, the eUnited States' premier educational institution, has reopened and is offering new courses for all citizens.

Why Should I attend the NAU?
It takes a long to to learn what is going on in eRepublic. Furthermore this knowledge is not always readily available. Players often become frustrated when questions go unanswered or they do not understand the context behind a discussion. The NAU's purpose is to end these problems. As an educational institution it is the NAU's stated purpose to help citizens gain the knowledge they need to get through their eLives. By attending NAU you will have a wealth of knowledge at your finger tips, furthermore our experienced and intelligent staff are considered to be the best in their fields.

What does the NAU offer?
For this semester the NAU will be offering six classes along with who will be teaching them:

eHistory 101: This class will focus primarily on eUS history, however it will also focus on foreign history that relates to the eUS and any current affairs. (Desertfalcon)

eCurrent Affairs: This class will help students better understand the state of the modern eWorld, it will cover everything from current wars, alliances and international affairs.

eBusiness 101: This class wil help aspiring business get a grasp on the basics of starting owning and operating a business in the eUS. (Kyle321n)

ePolitics 101: This party will cover the eUS government including its scope size and functions, it will also cover the political systems of the eUS. (Gaius Julius)

eRepublik 101: A class the everyone is recommended to take, this class will cover various basic game mechanics as well as how to play eRep like a game. (Tiacha)

eRepublik Economics 101: This class will cover the basics of the eRepublik economic module, it will cover topics such as trade and the governments affect on the economy. (Chris Stanwick)

How much does it cost to register?
This semester costs absolutely nothing - due to left over gold and USD from past semesters, the NAU will be able to cover all costs for the July '09 semester.

How do I register?
The first thing you need to do is fill out this form; you have done that you will receive a confirmation PM from either Tiacha or Gaius Julius. This will include information about classes and any other steps in the process

The Habitat for Humanities Program is a privately funded charity that is designed to help new citizens through their first 30 days. It provides everything a new citizen needs to increase their skills, increase wellness, and earn money. Apply for the program:

The organization has 3 companies in which you can work. New employees will be paid minimum wage ($1.00 per day) in addition to receiving one free Q1 Food and one free Q1 Gift per day. This will keep your wellness around 50 rather than it dropping like that of most new citizens. The program will run in cycles of 30 days, with citizens completing the program receiving a free Q1 House. It is best to work 30 days straight so that you earn a hard worker medal and get extra experience and 5 gold from the game. If you miss a day, the game clock restarts for the 30 days, but your time in the program will not restart. Once you have worked for 30 days (no matter how many days it takes you as long as you don’t miss more than 5 days in a row), you will be fired from the company and given a Q1 House, and can begin to seek jobs and other career options as you like. You can be in the military while in the program if you wish but military options are limited because once you quit the program you are out. The only way to get fired is to skip more than 5 days of work in a row. On the 6th day you will be fired and be out of the program. On days when you do not work, you will get one free Q1 Food only without a Gift. Wages will start at $1 USD and stay at that rate until you reach skill level 2, at which time it will go up to $2 USD, and at skill level 3 it will go up to $4 USD. These wages are below job market wages, but when you add in the Food and Gift it adds at least $3 USD more to the value of the wages. Meaning at skill 0, 1, and 2 you will be making more then the job market wages.

Now when you graduate from the program you should be experience level 11 at least and skill level 3+. You should also have about $75 USD saved up depending on if you spend any of your wages. You wont have to spend your wages because we are providing everything you need. You will also have a good understanding of the game as we will be here to answer any and all questions you have. We hope you apply to Habitat for Humanities and enjoy your 30 days with us.