My Platform for Presidency

Day 810, 11:19 Published in Spain Poland by Guayre II

Good Morning eThailan😛

These last months have been hard for our country, thefts, massive births of multis, unfair battles with Indonesia, PTO ... but I'm happy to stand before you today in this sacred country, and announce my nomination for Presidency of eThailand for September under the Free Thailand banner and the and support Hjrn Rocks Party and LSD Party (is possible the support of more parties).

In the months I have been in this country have made many friends and even negative reasons I learned even more about the mechanics of the game, building friendships with our allies even have had the honor of being Minister of Culture.

Enough about that already, moving onto my Presidential Platform:

Goals I will be setting are:

1) 5% Population Growth
2) 10% GDP Growth
3) Region Return: Southern Thailand

Looking at the above goals, please note that these are the minimum goals I will strive to achieve.


We all agree that we haven't got army organized with a with a well defined structure. It will open a recruitment for soldiers to contact them quickly and make a more coordinated attack and to help our allied countries.
Unfortunately, this government not signed this month any alliances actived with the attack of Indonesia and to reconquer Southern Thailand will be more difficult. We dont have much money to sign alliances so we signed an alliance with a strong country that can protect you from an attack.The reconquer of this beloved region will be studied with the military leadership of allied countries and carry out the attack with the maximum study possible
Training Wars? I dont want lies, I dont think that we will sign training wars because with this new version of the game (V2) training wars have passed into history because they are bored and with the high cost of this alliances makes our economy is not possible or responsible for the good of the country to sign. So it's best to sign with a strong alliance to give us security against an attack to our country. We will improve communication with ONE and countries that can help us militarily as China, Croatia and Poland.


This is a crucial area for the future of the country and will the ministry in which we more work from multiple fields will not be easy but with the erroneous tax market that unfortunately we have. Try that taxes return to the previous state before the PTO and helped promote with our Office of Tourism greater foreign capital investment in the economy of Thailand. Our job market is too empty with much demand and allowing companies that offer low wages (often ridiculous wages) and exploit workers. The growth of new companies will cause greater demand for workers and increased wages to workers, increasing our tax revenues and a reduction in the price of our products.
I believe in a capitalist environment, where competition amongst companies, will ultimately benefit all eThai citizens.

Foreign Policy

As all of you know, this country has become PRO EDEN, and I wish to maintain and grow the friendship that we have with our friends and allies abroad but a few weeks ago the country went into ONE. This is a crucial factor, as it ensures that we have friends who are always willing to help us, even on a moments call. As most of you are aware, provided you have been on the forum lately, there have been open chats and votes with regard to other alliances such as BROLLIANCE, EDEN or ONE. Let me assure you that the right choices will be made, to ensure that we have friends who are always willing to help their allies out. It was made to recruit ambassadors and an irc channel for better organization of the embassies. The ministry will strengthen the Office of Tourism adapting the eSouth African model in our country. With this ministry and helped by the Office of Tourism we search an ATO politic in friendly countries and allies to defeat the PTO that we suffer.


The cabinet is chosen by the president. These people chosen, will all have responsibility of moving this country forward, and doing everything in their power to make eThailand great. There will be some changes under my term. I plan on making sure that younger, willing, dedicated players, get an equal opportunity to work under a more experienced player. This will ensure that we build leaders for the future, while at the same time, retaining players in our country. I believe that these positions are vital, and as such, should transcend party boundaries, as I feel we should put the right people, in the right positions. The cabinet will be published in a few days.

Social Affairs
This is one of my “focus” areas. The minister in charge here will have a hell of a job. I want an active and efficient department that trains and explains the game mechanics etc to everyone, thereby allowing them to contribute to our countries success. I want this ministry to help all our citizens that need assistance, regardless of their level. This area is critical to the continued success of any country, and I would like this country to be vibrant, energetic and have constant fun/educational articles that allow everyone to participate.

Ministry of Culture and Games

We believe in this game and that our citizens not only live to work or train or read news also believe in fun and entertainment so often we play to increase the participation of the country with decent rewards to the winners.

On the 5th of this month, you eThai, will have a chance to help me, to help this great country of ours. Due to our circumstances, we have been in the shadows for too long. The time to rise up and be heard is now, and lets make the world know, eThailand is here, and we are here to be heard.

eThailand Presidential Candidate