My Congressional Bid

Day 641, 16:36 Published in Canada Canada by supabeasty

Congressional Presentation for Supabeasty

I am running for congress here in my past home, Alberta with the Democratic Action League. I am a past member of this alliance and have been involved with politics and discussion in the party before. Also just stating this (not really sure if its a qualification) I am the President of the Committee for DAL Randomness. Anyway I plan to be a fair, responsible and honest congressman for Alberta and Canada. So without further ado here is my presentation for Congress:

•Foreign Affairs remains an important thing to me as it always has. I think our foreign affairs must be handled correctly and I will review in great detail every MMP congress debates. Also I will automatically vote no if we were to sign an MPP with a country that is a member of PEACE.

•I think we need to remain out of any talks with PEACE and will never ever agree to a peace treaty with that no good alliance. They are our enemy and they will stay that way in my mind. Unless I am brainwashed I will sign noting (intentionally) that benefits PEACE.

•I think that taxes must be at a fair level for the people of Canada and for our economy. We must find the medium between the people and the companies.

•We need to support our allies in their wars against PEACE or other forces that threaten them. Our allies helped us so much during our war now we must help them again. Especially Sweden since they gave us a Q5.

•I will support the correct hospital and defense system distribution as long as it is economically feasible. We need to get hospitals and defense systems out to the most important regions.

•I will as I promised before list all the things I have voted on, what I voted and the outcome of the bill.

•For election of the presidency I support Goran Thrax unless Jacobi runs again then I will vote for him.

This concludes my presentation for Congress in Alberta. Remember to vote for supabeasty of August 25th.
