Messege to all Armenians as well as any sympathisers!

Day 1,183, 00:43 Published in Greece Armenia by Internetus Internetian

I have been on this game since beta days trying to get an Armenian country regonized on this game and there has been others that have been doing the same thing, but Erepublik refuses to create an Armenia refusing to regonize the fact that Armenians are a global people and more Armenians live in the diasporia then in the Republic of Armenia or the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Therefore I see no reason why we Armenians in the mean time cant operate as a global nation no different then Armenian communities in the real world have begun to operate as. If Erepublik wont grant us our own state then we can create one ourselves. If any of my brothers that are interested, any of my Greek brothers that are interested or any other that would like to aid me in this please contact me and I will try to get back to you. Please tell other Armenians on Erepublik of this messege. Waiting around for an Armenian state to be started by Erepublik wont do anything. Any organizations or countries that would like to help I would be more then happy to talk with you.