May 2014: A Month In Review

Day 2,387, 13:51 Published in Canada USA by please delete mee

May 2014 was a pretty good month for Canada in all areas! There's so much to talk about - so let's get started!

In the battlefield, we started off terribly. We were being wiped by the eUS, and we were down to our last few territories.

Ahhh! We're getting wiped!

Then slowly, slowly, we started fighting back. Our successful airstrike secured a place for us. By the end of the month, the eUS was gone and Chile will be soon as well. Of course, this wouldn't have been possible without me and you - ordinary civilians, fighting for Canada. And don't forget DMV3 - as President of Canada at during this hard time, he was one of the regions why we made a comeback. Congrats Canada!

Yay! Celebration! Tasty!

Meanwhile, over in our government, DMV3 won the national elections, representing the Canadian Progressive Party. One of the big achievements he made was getting us a Congress - woo-hoo!


And finally, I'd like to say goodbye to Rylde - he's leaving eRepublik. Everyone knows his story now, and although I didn't know him, he sounded like a pretty cool guy. The other newspapers have already said this, now it's our turn.

"Goodbye and best of luck."

Well, that's it! What a month. See you in June!

"The Ontario News...a part of Canada's Media."

Suggestions? Compliments? Questions? Comments? Put them in the comment box below.

Goodbye, and see you next time!